The Bibles tells us that the devil is always seeking to steal, - TopicsExpress


The Bibles tells us that the devil is always seeking to steal, kill, destroy (see John 10:10) and grab the bigger portions—and he does it with great skill. We know from the precepts of God that, was given responsibility over the garden, that means He was responsible to watch over it, keep it safe and conducive for God’s Glory to hover upon but, that means Adam knew the garden very well. Unfortunately, Adam wasnt wary enough of the serpent in the garden. He heard and saw him but wasnt aware of his plans. He wasnt paying attention. Therefore, he allowed Satan to invade and violate his garden. The devil is often after our gardens, too—our families, homes, marriages, churches, cities, etc. Our responsibility as watchmen is to keep the devil out and out completely. When Joshua was now appointed as the chief watchman over the children of Israel, He was given authority to conquer the promised and complete remove any illegal settlers on the land. But a moment came when Joshua allowed the enemy tricked his way into his camp resulting into ungodly agreements that paid the Israelites dearly. The Gibeonites were one of the Canaanite tribes that Joshua and Israel were supposed to destroy. They deceived the Israelites, however, into believing they had come from a far country in order to enter a covenant with them. Joshua and the people neglected to pray about this—always a part of Satans inticacy—and were therefore deceived into entering a binding, covenantal agreement with them. The serpents entry into their garden was progressing wonderfully... the watchmen were asleep. The Israelites were not without warning. In Exodus 34:12, Israel was told Watch yourself that you make no covenant with the inhabitants of the land into which you are going [or it will] become a snare in your midst The Israelites failed in their responsibility to watch, and just as the verse warned, the snare was laid. We can conclude from the Israelites suspicion of the Gibeonites that God was obviously trying to alert Israel. Joshua 9:7 says, The men of Israel said to the Hivites (Gibeonites), Perhaps you are living within our land; how then shall we make a covenant with you? Rather than heeding this caution, however, they acted on what they saw. The Israelites werent wary... werent paying attention... werent watching. We must remember things are not always as they appear. We are to be watchmen, not watchdogs. Some individuals become so suspicious of others they act more like guard dogs, not trusting anyone, than watchmen who guard only against evil. Others are led into a deception of preoccupation when they become overly demon or devil conscious. This, too, is a part of Satans craftiness. We must be aware and wary of him, but not so preoccupied with him that we conjure up demonic attacks and plans. You need to really spend as much time as possible in getting more intimate with The Holy Spirit, and as you do that He sharpens your hearing, and seeing. Because to be alert in the Spirit, is to be alert in the soul that you can detect any hidden trickery of the enemy. We don’t need to be so much preoccupied with the fear to fail, but rather let us be fascinated by His Glory and presence. That is the best place of alertness and confidence. The two Greek words for watching in prayer mean to be on the alert, stay awake and remain sober
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 20:17:10 +0000

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