The Big Terjärv in America 1911 (continued) On June 14th we - TopicsExpress


The Big Terjärv in America 1911 (continued) On June 14th we started to live with Edward’s household, there was only one man then Axel Anderson from Kolamby, Terjärv. One day after another past and midsummer day came, then many known boys came to Edwards house to see us the New York boys. On the midsummer evening they had a short program on the temperance hall and dance, at 2-A.M. they left the hall. The day after was Sunday June 25th 1911 and they had a picnic there in Rochester, Washington and it was many funny plays of many kinds. A running race was held too on a short distance, I took part in it too, but I did not get any prize, nine men did run and I came in as the fifth in order. It was a short distance so nobody could get tired out, only if the one that was fast on the feet was the best and won on that distance. On Tuesday the 27th of June I went to Astoria, Oregon to find out how it was with the working condition over there. My brother Albert did not come with me to Astoria, Oregon. He told me that he is going to stay in Rochester and wait for the job that they will start soon and find out if he can get some work. About ten in the morning the train left Rochester, Wash. and in a few minutes I came to Centralia. I bought the railroad ticket there for Astoria, Org. Paid $3.40 for the ticket to Astoria from Centralia and from Rochester to Centralia .35 cents. About 2:30 P.M. the train came in to Kalama and I had to get off and take the ferryboat over the Columbia River to Goble. In Goble I had to wait for the train about five hours - to 7-P.M. and came to Astoria, Org. about 10-P.M. June 27th 1911. At the Astoria Railroad Station was two known boys, Oskar Forsander och Fritz Lillfors. I was a lucky boy, all I had to do was to follow them to Suomi Hotel at 9-Duane Street Astoria, Oregon. The first day after I tried to find some work, but could not get any promise to come to work at any place. I got very downhearted and pressed down and started to think about going back to Rochester the second day after, but then came so many boys that was from Kaustby Vasa Län, to Astoria for the 4th of July from the forest or timber log camps and they told me that they are going to open the log camps at 10th of July again. Then I started to think maybe it is best to wait to the 10th of July if I would like to go to the log camps and look for work. July 4th came and it was very nice to be in the town that evening. The day after 4th of July I went to Union town and I was thinking about moving to Union town in Astoria uptown, because I did not have very much money left in my wallet; only ten dollar, I started to get worried to live in a hotel and no money. A lot of Finnish people lived in Uniontown and private houses so I could get in with some private family to live. But my worries to my surprise was soon over, because when I came back at dinner time to the hotel Suomi, I sat down on the outside porch, and a man came and asked me if I like to go to work for about two weeks when he is going to Portland, Oregon and play in the orchestra-band: this man lived in Suomi hotel and knew that I had come over there a few days ago and had no work. This man took me over to the steam laundry then and asked the boss if it was alright for him to go to Portland and play in the orchestra-band when this man (me) are willing to take care of his work till he comes back. The boss told him that it would be alright, and I started to work in the afternoon July 5th 1911 in the steam laundry. The laundry was only about one hundred ft. from Suomi hotel. - Hugo Theodor Sandkulla Nelson 1911
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 21:26:43 +0000

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