The Biggest Tragedy Of The MH17 Flight Has Yet To Pass, And It Is - TopicsExpress


The Biggest Tragedy Of The MH17 Flight Has Yet To Pass, And It Is What Corporate Media Is Pushing For - War! Putins Missile is the headline that will usher in a new war if we dont get our facts straight. First, Isreal Authorities have killed more people than the MH17 crash, and Obama has demanded no justice. US backed rebels ISIS have killed more innocent victims than both conflicts combined, and Obama refuses to acknowledge any responsibility. The death toll of Ukraines Non-conformist Genocide, waged against their own citizens, has surpassed the number of passengers who died on the MH17, and yet no international investigation - not even after over 40 protestors were burnt alive by their own officials. But as for the MH7, there have been no concrete reports as to the cause or the party responsible for the downing of the plane. Putin Killed my kid, Putins victims... These headlines are despicable and impress upon us the aptness of all Corporate media outlets to post political propaganda as legitimate news, prior to any official determination or investigation. This is just a big ad campaign to demonize Putin like the US does with all newly declared enemies. Seems like everyone else (afraid to come off too Pro-Russia) also wants to wag the finger at Putin if the missile that was used to down the plane turns out to be Russian. But Im not! The US wants to start a war and has everyone believing President Putin is actually responsible for this tragedy. The facts are so obvious, that the fact that people are digesting the pre-packaged pablum being shoved down their throats by these agendad puppeteers really makes me question whether this is all mass willful ignorance, or true mental ineptness!? Either way, the facts are the facts... 1) This happened in Ukraine people! Look at a map... well a new one (cause Crimea is now part of Russia). 2) My favourite argument: If the missile was Russian, Putin is responsible because he arming the Separatists. Let us not forget what these separatists are trying to SEPARATE from (and with no help from the international community might I add)!? NAZIS! Real live Nazi party!! There are accounts and video footage of Ukranian political figures and citizens being tortured and killed because they are not conforming to the White Supremacist ideology taking over Ukraine - FUNDED BY THE USA! Why is he arming separatists?? Reallyyyyy? Thats the question you choose? Instead of maybe ... oh I dont know... why was a commercial airline with 300 passengers on board flying directly over a defensive-controlled designated WAR ZONE? THAT, struck me as odd!? What the media wont tell you (but what a little of your own cunning research would expose), is data showing that there were other offensive Ukrainian fighter jets in the sky at the same time as the MH17. Alright! Something smells fishy! 3)The US uses the term Pro-Russian Separatists to overthrow your geography and emit the illusion that the war going on right now (that the US no doubt wants to aid) is Russia vs. Ukraine. Wrong again. The Ukraine government has waged war against Ukraine citizens who want to separate from the Facist leaders who got in power through violence. While most of the Separatists are pro-Russia it might be because when those swastika banner carrying bigots succeeded in their government coup, those who didnt want to be the 21st centuries newest Nazis were kicked out of Ukraine and fled to------------> yep, Russia. Why would they be anti-Russia when Russia has accepted and is currently housing 300,000 Ukrainian refugees inside tented communities? 5) The Kiev government is refusing to release the communication from the Kiev control tower and flight MH17? The one thing we do know is that the MH17 was diverted 200km from its usual path right into the war zone of the defending separatists. But lets focus on Russia instead of who gave that order? *Hmm... I wonder if the US has ever used commercial airline disasters and the deaths of innocent victims in the past to instigate a legitimate war... 4) This Nazi rise to power, genocide and displacement of over 300,000 refugees among countless deaths in Ukraine all happened in the last several months, how much of it did you know until MH17 went down? So, Perspective is integral to democracy and can only be achieved through freedom of information. Id rather be a conspiracy theorist with anonymity than a sheep who abides by false information. Net neutrality is key, and that is another fight coming up, and will play an important role in the future of our World. Cause without it, we would believe that Donestk is in Russia, that Russia shot down a commercial airline, and that President Putin has armed rebels to overthrow the Ukranian government and impose a pro-Russian agenda that involves eating your kids at night while you sleep.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 19:07:54 +0000

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