The Biggest and Eternal Miracle is the Quran part 10 Main - TopicsExpress


The Biggest and Eternal Miracle is the Quran part 10 Main Properties of the Quran John Davenport states the following when he mentions the Quran in his book, “An Apology for Mohammed and the Quran”: ‘The Quran is held by Mohammedans in the greatest reverence and respect. They dare not touch it without being first washed or legally purified; therefore, they write these words on its cover: None shall touch it, but they who are purified. (al-Waqia, 56/79) Thus, they prevent people from touching it when they are not clean. They read it reverentially, kiss it, carry it with them in military expeditions; they inscribe sentences from it upon their banners, adorn it with gold and precious stone; they do not want it to be owned by a non-Muslim ’ The source of Islamic education is this book. The children in all schools are taught to recite and memorize it. They study it, in order to find therein the light of their life. They have mosques where the whole of it is read. For twelve hundred years has the voice of the Quran been thus kept resounding, at all moments, through the ears and hearts of so many millions of believers. The Quran repeatedly enjoins belief in Allah, resignation to His will, and perfect obedience to His commands, charity, mildness, abstinence from spirituous liquors, and toleration, ascribing particular merit to dying in the cause of religion. As to practical duties, besides the obligation to propagate Islam, is alms, to which the one-fortieth part of a persons property must be appropriated and bestowed. However, the injunctions of the Quran were not confined to religious and moral duties. Gibbon says, “From the Atlantic to the Ganges, the Quran is acknowledged as the fundamental code, not only of theology, but of civil and criminal jurisprudence, and the laws which regulate the actions and the property of mankind are governed by the immutable sanctions of the will of Allah. Or, in other words, the Quran is the general code of Muslims; a religious, social, civil, co mercial, military, judicial, criminal, penal code. The Quran regulates everything, from the ceremonies of religion to those of daily life; from the salvation of the soul to the health of the body ; from the rights of all to those of each individual ; from the interests of man to those of society ; from morality to crime ; from punishment here to that in the life to come. The Quran, consequently, differs materially from the Old Testament. As Combe states, it contains no system of theology like the Old Testament. It is composed chiefly of narratives, descriptions, sublime effusions of devotional emotions, and much sound morality bound together by no striking logical connection. Nor is the Quran like the New Testament to be considered merely as the standard by which the religious opinions, the worship, and the practice of its followers are regulated. The Quran is also a political system; for on this foundation the throne itself is erected. Hence, every law of the State is derived, and by this authority every question of life and property is finally decided. The Quran teaches, in the most explicit manner, the existence of one only God, eternal, who was imbegotten and has no children; without equal, Creator of all things, good and merciful, protecting those who are not ungrateful to Him, pardoning those who offend Him provided they repent, Sovereign Judge at the day of resurrection; He will render to every one, according to his works that is, to the good, and to those who fight and die in his cause eternal felicity. The Quran also teaches the existence of angels, but it forbids that these as well as the Prophet should be objects of adoration. Every man has two protecting angels, who watch over his actions. Demons are the enemies of human kind. Muslims also believe in the existence of jinn. The morality of the Quran has not been less unjustly attacked than its dogmas. It condemns debauchery and excesses of every kind, hypocrisy, avarice, jealousy and the thirsting after worldly goods. It ordains alms-giving, filial piety, gratitude towards God, fidelity to engagements, sincerity compassion towards orphans, justice, without respect of persons, chastity and decency even in words, patience and submission, the ransoming of captives, the returning of good for evil, benevolence, forgiveness of injuries; doing all of them not with the view of obtaining the approbation of the world, but for being acceptable unto God. The Quran, as already said, is not only a religious code, but contains, in addition, the civil laws of Muslims. Therefore, the Quran restrains polygamy by limiting the number of wives to four, prescribes the ceremonies to be observed at marriages, determines the matrimonial duties of the married pair, even the length of the time for suckling, that of widowhood, and regulates the dowry and jointure, as well as the course to be pursued in separations and divorces. Inheritances, wills, guardianships, contracts are all mentioned in the Quran. Lastly, punishments are pronounced against false witnesses, prevarication in judges, theft, infanticide, committing major sins, fraud, etc. Therefore, Hazrat Muhammad is not only a prophet but also a legislator. In order fully to appreciate the difference between Christianity and Islam, it must be borne in mindthat whereas the hold which the former has over its professors is naturally referred by them to its dogmas, thus causing religion and morals to be regarded as distinct from each other, in the latter, it is, on the contrary, not the dogmatic, but the practical portion which has influenced the moral, social, legal, and political ideas and circumstances of its believers. So, to the mind of a Muslim, patriotism, law, tradition, custom and constitution is expressed by one word; and that word is Islam. Among many excellencies of which the Quran may justly boast are two eminently conspicuous ; the one being the tone of awe and reverence which it always observes when speaking of or referring to the Deity, to whom it never attributes human frailties and passions ; the other the total absence throughout it of all impure, immoral and indecent ideas, expressions, narratives and blemishes. So exempt, indeed, is the Quran from these undeniable defects, that it needs not the slightest castration, and may be read, from beginning to end, without causing a blush to suffuse the cheek of modesty itself. The religion thus established by the Quran is a stern and severe monotheism. The divinity described by the Quran is so far from being a mere philosophic first cause regulating the universe by established laws, while itself stands aloof in unapproachable majesty, is an ever-present, ever working energy….[30]
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 20:50:14 +0000

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