The Birth of a Song. Take a guitar genius like Chris Morris, - TopicsExpress


The Birth of a Song. Take a guitar genius like Chris Morris, who toured the world with a hugely successful band called Paper Lace, team him up with his long term song writing partner Dave, alias the Pirateer Posh Jon Black and close the door to Ocean Audio Studios in Bodmin. Now be sure to put the kettle on and think Pirateers and youre off on a creative landslide only bounded by the time you have in a day. The tune seems to come from out of the air and is God given,( I wouldnt question that,) though its Chris inner genius that primarily bears it. Usually it starts as just a little catchy lick which we then build the composition around, during the course of the day, adding instruments as we go, in a colourful sandwich, arguing very little, but tolerating well each others good and bad ideas till its right. The Pirateers as a band, who are us....have a musical identity pretty well set, so the instruments they would use dictate the production. Sometimes we hear the same lyric whilst we work, other times theres a blank sheet and Frank, the studio resident ghost, hasnt helped us much that day. ( but he doesnt like much anyway, unless its a Gracie Fields.) Either way, I then take the instrumental CD home on the long trek back over Bodmin Moor to Bude and listen to it over and over again trying different lines and ideas to see if they fit and make any sense at all. The lyric for the song usually does write itself, the melody dictating mood, status and thus the story line. A good day tweaking it at the computer and its back to the studio for a long days vocal session with Chris and I and whoever else we can muster to do harmonies and its in the can. *This story line is simple. Seafarers running the gauntlet of the queens embargo on the Spanish Colonies in order to make enough to put food in the table. Next tune, by now already on the boil, with me on the case with a lyric. Thats how its been for 20 years. There are an awful lot of songs on the shelf. Thanks for liking these new ones so much.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 16:44:07 +0000

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