The Birthday of JESUS - ( a simple guide) In The Bible the Book - TopicsExpress


The Birthday of JESUS - ( a simple guide) In The Bible the Book of Luke 1st Chapter tells us this. Zechariah was a priest of the COURSE OF ABIA. And the course of ABIA’s time to serve in the temple was the end of June. The angel Gabriel came to Zechariah while he was on duty in the temple during the end of June and told him that his wife Elizabeth will have a son. When he went home she would be pregnant. Elizabeth hide herself for 5 months and in the 6th MONTH Mary came to help her with her pregnancy. Mary had just been told by the Angel (Gabriel ) that she was pregnant and her cousin Elizabeth was pregnant also. so she hurried to be with Elizabeth. So if Elizabeth got pregnant at the end of JUNE then when Mary came she was 6 Months pregnant already. So it must be at the END OF DECEMBER when Mary came to Elizabeth. Now that means that Mary got pregnant at the End of DECEMBER near the 25th or on the 25th of DECEMBER. So CHRISTMAS is the Day God gave JESUS to MARY and to the WORLD. Now Mary stayed with Elizabeth for only 3 MONTHS then Elizabeth gave Birth to JOHN the BAPTIST, which is the COUSIN of JESUS. Then MARY went back home to JOSEPH. Which would be in the MONTH of MARCH around the TIME of PASSOVER. Now MARY would be 3 MONTHS pregnant now during PASSOVER in MARCH. Now the Bible tells us there were Shepherds in the fields and the shepherds don’t graze their sheep in the middle of winter. At the end of the HARVEST every 10 YEARS at the TIME of the FEAST of TABERNACLES all the Jews would have to go to the town of their Fathers to be counted by ROME for the census. Which was in LATE SEPTEMBER. Now MARY would be 9 MONTHs pregnant at this time because she got pregnant when Elizabeth was 6 MONTHS pregnant at the END of DECEMBER. And MARY had her baby when She and Joseph went to the CITY of DAVID called BETHLEHEM. And it could not be the winter because it gets cold there and the SHERP were in the fields at night and they stayed in an outdoor MANGER. So now we know from searching the BIBLE what the TRUE BIRTHDAY Of Our Lord and Savior JESUS the CHRIST of GOD!... Was BORN onto the EARTH. ANSWER - [SEPTEMBER 24 or 25 or 26] ALL MYSTERIES ARE IN THE BIBLE IF YOU KNOW HOW TO LOOK AND STUDY TO KNOW THE SCRIPTURES. My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (Ezekiel 37:27 KJV) But Christ being come an high priest of good things to come, by a greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made with hands, that is to say, not of this building; (Hebrews 9:11 KJV) And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. (Revelation 21:3 KJV) IMPORTANT NOTE: All biblical knowledge is in the Bible if you divide the word properly. I did a 7 part study in my Bible Study on the Birth of Jesus. Its very easy to understand if you know one thing. The course of ABIA. King David set the courses to maintain the temple duties. If you look in chronicles you can see the times of the courses. But you must know the biblical Jewish calendar starting with exodus. Knowing the first month of the year which is ABIB that is our March. You can count the times of the courses. In LUKE its made very clear that ZECHARIAH course was at the end of June. And then you can read the events of ELIZABETH and MARY and you will find the time of Jesus birth. Its made very simple for us to know. THE BELOW VIDEO IS A SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF THE STAR THAT THE WISE MEN FOLLOWED TO FIND BABY JESUS... Your Search for the TRUTH starts by knowing Lord JESUS and He is Calling all of us to Begin the Relationship. Be blessed and be a blessing! In His Service, Bro. Nick JesusNet-worker
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 13:52:31 +0000

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