The Birthday of Man – Let us celebrate! Let us say “Happy - TopicsExpress


The Birthday of Man – Let us celebrate! Let us say “Happy Birthday” to man on this day and thank God! Surprisingly, it is also the birthday of our earth and all the things in it. This is the day specially set apart for us to celebrate the dawn of human civilization. A single day with so many things to celebrate about. Suppose a child is going to be born to you, how happy you will be. God first had this idea about man in His mind. He then plans to create a man in His image, His child to be. Just think how happy God would have been thinking about His future child! What will you do, when you plan to prepare a property for your son or daughter to reside? Similarly, God with his immense wisdom designed this earth and everything in it for His future child, man, with ultimate care and cleverest ideas. He choose the most beautiful trees and plants, to make this world the most beautiful place in the universe. He planted the choosiest trees with the tastiest fruits. He designed the mountains, rivers and valleys with infinite beauty. Finally as the crowning act of creation, God with His own hands (only creation God did with His hands, others He just spoke) molded from the dust the human form, which He had always in His mind. And at last He breathed into his nostrils the life force, kick starting the life processes in the lifeless body. The heart started beating, blood started to flow and thus man became a “living soul” (Gen. 2:7). How happy God would have been, when He saw this child of Him, made in His own image. When Adam opened his eyes, he saw for the first time his Father. Usually our parents celebrate the birthday of their child on the day they are born. But God did it differently. He set apart the next day, as the birthday to celebrate, and blessed it. May be because God wanted man not only to celebrate his birth, but also the birth of all the living things of this earth, which were made for man. Don’t forget that the various creations were made on different days of the week. Whenever we celebrate this birthday, we again and again remember God as our Father. The man and the earth he lives, will be blessed, when he remember this day (Isa. 56:2) and keep it holy. Normally birthday comes only once in a year. This birthday comes every week, so that man can remember every week that he was born by the hand of God and that all this world, and everything in it were created for man by the loving heavenly Father. That is why God said “remember” (Exodus 20:8-11), because God knew people will forget it in coming generations. Fourth Commandment concerning Sabbath is the only Commandment from God, among the Ten, in which God specifically reminds us that “in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them”, thus emphatically stating that God is the maker. God meant this day to be a perpetual sign between God and man (the real spiritual Israel) (Ex. 31:17), so that generations of man to come, who became part of the spiritual Israel (Abraham’s children in faith Gal. 3:29), would remember their heavenly father, and thank God as the creator. Don’t forget that this special day was made for the benefit of man (Mark 2:27). Whenever we celebrate our birthday, we thankfully remember our parents, without whom we will not be here on earth. Similarly whenever we celebrate Lord’s Sabbath (Matt. 12:8), we gratefully remember God, as our heavenly parent, from whose hands we came out. Thus this weekly celebration always keep fresh in our mind thoughts of our loving celestial Father. This celebration of the birthday of man and earth, protects us from the evil designs, which tries to promote the idea that God did not create man or earth, and that everything came into existence spontaneously by chance. Satan wants man to forget God as our creator, and disobey God’s Commandments, because we don’t owe any obligation to God. Devil only promoted the theory of evolution, so that generations of human beings should be led on the wrong path, forgetting their Father in heaven. We majority of Christians have to think, whether we are doing the right thing. Do we keep this day that God has ordained, or are we going after human tradition and man-made commandment, and keep the first day of the week. We should be bold enough to say like Peter and other apostles “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). So let us celebrate this birthday with joy and thanksgiving, weekly, on the God-appointed day, the seventh day of the week, the blessed Sabbath of the Lord! Let all you be blessed abundantly, even more than you can hold, by passing with reverence through this divine day weekly, keeping it. Let us also pray to God honestly, so that He will open our eyes to see the real truth. Welcome to this page for more messages https://facebook/SomeTruthsThatYouShouldNotMiss
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 15:12:36 +0000

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