The Black Cjurch Opposes An Attack on Syria. The Black political - TopicsExpress


The Black Cjurch Opposes An Attack on Syria. The Black political Caucus says it does not have enough information to make an informed decision. Yes, they know that damn near down to last black person in the USA is absolutely opposed to the attack the Congressional Black Caucus has decided it need more time to pray over the matter. If you have any self-respect and pride the only options that Black America has in the Congress is to fire every damn one of the boot licking ass kissing Toms that are suppose to be carrying your message to the government. Fire every damn one of them. When they come running for office skinning, grinning, lying our of both sides of their judas goat mouth ask that good for nothing piece of shit if they made a official statement for or against the attack on Syria? Then watch that sorry sack of shit start double talking about the big picture. They do not repress us they represent the political party. FIRE THEIR SORRY GOOD FOR NOTHING ASS! Every damn one of them, including the ones who stood up and fought for you. Fire their ass also because they were not good enough to convert their book licking uncle tom colleges to do the same. FIRE EVERY DAMN LAST ONE OF THE CONGRESSIONALO BLACK CAUCUS!
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 02:17:39 +0000

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