The Bloody Battefield.......PART 2 ....... both of them swing - TopicsExpress


The Bloody Battefield.......PART 2 ....... both of them swing there swords and the both of them have a huge aura.......... Prince Erhard: ohhhhhhhh Princess liliane....... as i expected to you... your a strong woman that`s why i loved you.....and i love you even more princess liliane......... Rashane: ku...huhuh....huhu..... whahahah (scream laugh...) love me you suck.... suddenly...... Prince Erhard.... " Déjame oír mi voz, mi amado hermano y hermana ......" (let me hear my voice, my beloved brother and sister......) and his brothers and sisters came to life.... (Colerine, Emma, Louise, Sophia, Swerwood, sylvian.....Emil, Franz, Rafael, Aaron) Emil: Thank you my Beloved brother Erhard........ (evil laugh) Prince Erhard: do not thank me brother.. you have to follow my order Emil.... Wolfram: Wh...Who..are they... Ronove: they are Milady`s brothers and sister in Royal Family... and someone attack on wolfram but she dodged it... Wolfram: what the..... Franz: ho ho (Evil Laugh)... so you must be Wolfram Von Bielefeld... nice to meet you my little sister... Yuuri: are you alright Wolfram with the hug scene of them... Wolfram: idiot stop hu...hugging me.....he...heyy you!! Stop calling like your my brother!!! Louise: ku hu hu hu (evil Laugh) can i cut his head i think is yummy Brother Erhard..... yuuri turns to Maoh..... Maoh Yuuri: i will not let you Hurt Wolfram!! i will kill you.. wolfram looked at Maoh yuuri.. and then she blush.... Wolfram: your majesty Yuuri.... yuuri shows his Water Dragon!!! and wolfram shows his Fire Lion !! and rashane looked at wolfram... Rashane: who...whooaa Wolfram I did`nt know that you transform yourself into a boy..... Wolfram blush of course i have to use it being a military in this world... Rashane looked at wolfram she face Prince Erhard... Rashane: ALL OF YOU (SCREAM!!!) THIS!!! UNIVERSE BELONGS TO US!! DONT LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!!! ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! while the wars begin...... the 8 purgatory begins to build a barrier.....
Posted on: Tue, 24 Sep 2013 05:33:12 +0000

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