The Body Guard By George Martinez Psalm 91:14-16 "Because he - TopicsExpress


The Body Guard By George Martinez Psalm 91:14-16 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him and show him my salvation." Did you ever see the movie “The Body Guard” with Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston? Its a great movie in my personal opinion. This body guard was hired to protect this singer from crazy fans and crazy people. Even though this body guard was under minded and unwanted he never give up of doing what he does best, protecting her from harms way. Some times people overlook little details about a person over an assumption that they have. Why is that? Pride! It can blind you completely and blur the real facts of that person. Ignorance! Its also another factor of not seeing what is going on around you, so you start acting out of unbelief. Think about it, this body guard is in a place where they claim that everything is under control. But it isn’t. They don’t need anyone else’s help. But they do. They claim to have all the necessary precautions up to date. But they are wrong. This little scenario sound familiar to you? Isn’t this what we tell God in our own personal life. God I don’t need you, I have everything under control, God I don’t need your help and I took all the precautions for this situation. This body guard found himself with self-righteousness and unbelievers he found himself fighting against the waves, even though no one was faithful to him he was faithful to them. The environment did not determine his performance, but allowed him to show them his potential. Sometimes we give God a hard time, we push him out of our way, we turn our back on him and ignore him like he doesn’t exist. Even when we do all that and more he still doesn’t give up on us and he remains faithful. Psalm 91 is one of the best psalms in the bible, its a psalm of protection. I want you to think for a minute here. In these days of war and every conceivable violence, both man-made and nature wrought, most of us are looking for a safe harbor, some assurance of safety. Many believers turn to Psalm 91. They read it, recite it, pray and proclaim it. Soldiers carry it to war. Folks facing hair-raising danger stick copies of it in their pockets, tape it up in various places in their homes. If you have not done this yourself, you may be asking, “Why? Is Psalm 91 some magical incantation or the like?” You may be feeling a bit skeptical. Understandably. But, no magic here! Psalm 91 is a powerhouse of promises accompanied by a few very clear conditions for qualifying. These required conditions are simple but take some time to establish. The requirements are really about exercising faith on a regular basis and having your faith grow as a result. This opportunity of protection and blessing is available to everyone who meets the requirements. Interested? Read on. Psalm 91 and Faith Exercising faith as described in Psalm 91 leaves you in a position to claim the promises found in Psalm 91. Did you know that God not only wants to protect you, but He also wants to deliver you into a place of freedom and abundance. Most folks don’t read far enough in Psalm 91 to get to that part. Or, the abundance of life that God is promising seems far too good to believe and some readers just move on by. So, let’s say you are interested in the assurance of the Psalm 91 safe harbor, the protective arms of your Father around you, but you just haven’t gotten there yet. Psalm 91 is just a collection of words on the page for you. Where do you start? Psalm 91: A Faith-Building Study Start with a good study of the Psalm. It’s that simple. Get to know the meanings of the Psalm 91 words, the few steps to qualify, the amazing blessings that are promised…clear to the end of the passage. Engage in a study that requires a response from you, one that will encourage a deepening of your relationship with God and will help expand your faith. A study like this can deeply impact your life. You are spiritually strengthened. Your mind is being renewed by this Word of God found in Psalm 91 and you will be different “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” (Proverbs 23:7). When the winds of adversity blow, you will be peacefully abiding up under the wings of the Almighty, wings that defy any storm you can imagine. Invest your time in a study of Psalm 91 and begin to reap the rewards as so many already have. Early in Psalm 91 you find promises and conditions for those amazing promises of protection, like diamonds in a rich mine. In Psalm 91:14 the conditions are reviewed and additional blessings presented. Now we come to Psalm 91:15 to find four new promises, more diamonds. Four! Many folks don’t get this far in the Psalm. They hit information overload some time back. The promises of Psalm 91 are pretty overwhelming and if you are really trying to take them in, it takes a while. You can only hold so much at one time. But, be like a prospector and do not give up your claim. You have come this far, so fasten your seat belt for some Scripture prospecting in Psalm 91:15. You will notice below that I have changed the pronoun and verb tense to make it apply to you, which, of course, it can. Four Promises of Psalm 91:15 Promise One - You pray and I will answer. This is big. How many of us send out a volley of prayer, like a shotgun blast and hope to hit something? In Psalm 91:15 the Lord is saying, “You ask. I will answer.” How many of us wonder if God ever hears? He is saying, “Live in close communion with me and I will hear.” Think about it. In any sort of noisy chaos it’s the voices of those closest to you that you hear. Stay up under the shadow of His wings (abide) and you won’t even have to shout. Promise Two – I will be with you in trouble. How many times have you found yourself in a tight spot, feeling utterly alone? Even when there are folks around, you can still feel alone. These are folks who have no capacity to respond to the crisis, or no concern for you. These can be painfully lonely times. But hear the Lord in Psalm 91:15 saying that He will be there. And, He is…like no human being can. Promise Three – I will deliver you. God is promising to not just be with you in trouble (which is a huge thing) but also to take some action on your behalf. He’s going to get you out of the jam. Deliver you! Get that one deep into your heart and hold on. Imagine being in some dreadfully hopeless situation and knowing that as bad as it looks, God will get you out of it. With this kind of Psalm 91:15 assurance, you can keep you head, keep your confidence and not make foolish decisions. You can come out of this tight spot whole and intact. Promise Four - I will honor you. You come out of the crisis not only intact, but free of shame and regret because God is honoring you. This doesn’t mean that everyone around will honor you, probably not. But, knowing that God honors you is about as exhilarating as it gets. He is honoring you for trusting Him. He is not scolding you for getting into the predicament. Most of us are used to the latter scenario rather than the former. So according to Psalm 91:15, there will be a good ending of some sort. And that makes sense, because God causes all things to work to the good for those who love Him (Romans 8:28). My dear readers, times are getting bad every minute that passes and we need all the help that we can get. So instead of getting help in the wrong places and wrong people, why not ask for help from the true source our Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s take advantage of this divine opportunity to accept Jesus to be our Lord and Savior. Let’s not procrastinate any longer lets do this walk of faith together and allow God to do the impossible in our life. Let him be your Body Guard and spend time in his word so you know his guidance for your life. With your own ears you will hear him. Right behind you a voice will say, "This is the way you should go," whether to the right or to the left. (Isaiah 30:21) Dear Father in Heaven, I believe you died for me and rose from the dead, now I want to live for you. I want to turn away from sin and be filled with the Holy Spirit. Lead me to a life of righteousness and full of love. I declare with my mouth that I am a child of God, I will trust you and accept your will in my life, I acknowledge you as my Lord and Savior in Jesus name. AMEN Dear brothers and sisters, I believe by you confessing out loud this simple prayer you are in the family of Christ. I encourage you to read the bible and start developing a relationship with the Lord, and find a good bible based church. Tell the pastor of you commitment with Christ so you can grow in his word. Through prayers and reading the Bible you will learn how to have faith and trust in your Savior. “ Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need ” Reference: Jeanie R.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 01:50:40 +0000

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