The Bolshevik Revolution does appear to be a Jewish plot, so there - TopicsExpress


The Bolshevik Revolution does appear to be a Jewish plot, so there is an angle to the whole World War II saga which has been carefully scrubbed from the history we all get to hear, not to mention an aspect of the whole history of the Soviet Union. There were aspects to Hitlers views and his rise to power, with great enthusiasm by the truly persecuted people of Germany following the Treaty of Versailles, which have been sanitized, so we only get to know a de-contextualized version of HItler and the Nazis. I am not trying to defend them, people, or say Id want to live under their kind of rule; Communism and National Socialism are both totalitarian overkill, collectivist kinds of societies. But, as a cosmopolitan banker, I could finance a conflict between both sides and collect in money and power terms, regardless of the winner, Hegelian Dialectic principles paying off, create a Problem, offer an opposite as a Solution, yield, a New Synthesis, the world remade in a desired shape. Same impetus is behind the phoney war on terrorism being conducted today. Remarkably, sometime more recently in Russia, Vladimir Putin convened a group of Orthodox Jews at some point to let them know, the old order is not going to return. We shall see, though I hope hes right. The Czars intervention in Americas Civil War on the side of the Union in 1863 is said by some to be the key to the Union having the chance to regroup and eventually win, at a time when the French were preparing to invade and carve up some spoils from Mexico and the British were doing their part from Canada... both those countries politics effectively controlled by the Rothschild central banking dynasty who controlled both those countries by means of running their central banks. It is also said by some to be the reason the Bosheviks murdered the entire Alexander dynasty, the Czar and his family one generation removed from the Civil War, upon the conquest of Russia -- the Czars interference cost the Rothscild-controlled banking system a great deal of power. (Of course, this lost power was regained as Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act.) This is my FB friends Ron Brassfield s (and my similar take) on how the history books have been scrubbed to make the Global Dark Cabal Bankers look squeeky clean .. got news for ya .. the gig is up!! Please repost if you care to right the lies of the history books we were EdJEWcated with!! youtube/watch?v=hu-GTj4slWw
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 19:53:45 +0000

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