The Book of ACTS Part 2 Author: Luke Date: Written in A.D. 60-63, - TopicsExpress


The Book of ACTS Part 2 Author: Luke Date: Written in A.D. 60-63, the book of Acts covers events of the early church from the ascension of Jesus through Paul’s travels until he reaches Rome This book of church history shows the mission of God empowered by the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus at His ascension. The once fearful disciples move out from Jerusalem to all points of the compass. The risen Christ goes with them in a power heretofore unseen in creation. To describe it theoretically is impossible. It must be lived and experienced, worked with, struggled over, relied on, trusted. It is life the way God intended: reconciled to Him and living in community with His people. Luke, a Gentile, was a physician and a missionary who traveled with the apostle Paul. Luke wrote this specialized history because the members of the newly formed church needed to know their story. If the parousia (Jesus’ return at the end of history) were delayed for a second or third generation, then this book would instruct future believers where they came from. Many generations after Luke, we can see the value of his careful reporting. From the human side, the first-century church was fragile; problems were solved by prayer, trial, and error; leaders rose and fell. Paul emerges as no less an apostle than the disciples, and the one who does most to promote a world movement. Yet persecution causes Paul to spend much of his time in prison. As Luke records, Christians did not easily scare. They did not cease praying or witnessing. Those who came alive by faith knew that God empowered them. Those watching from outside were amused, confused, or enraged. No matter. The Christian movement expanded so that even Rome itself appeared to be invaded by its power. The mission of God—saving people from sin and alienation, reconciling people to God and to each other—was already a quiet, unstoppable revolution. It falls to the church to be the rebellion against the world’s rebellion. Acts describes transitions, negotiations, sermons, imprisonments, and escape, but mostly it demonstrates that God changes people from the inside out. Life’s purpose is defined through God’s fame alive in a redeemed sinner. Eternity is always in view and death loses its sting. Daily habits are changing as families come to see God’s blessings in new ways. Leaders recognize their role as stewards in God’s world, not opportunists who ought to grab all they can. The church is birthed and takes shape. In these pages, we witness the people of “the Way” caring deeply for one another and embarking on God’s mission given by Christ at the mount of Ascension. Churches are planted, leaders are called out, and lives are eternally changed. Boldly is an adverb that describes much of this momentum. These Christians have something new to say, and the world is beginning to take notice. - Mission of God Study Bible.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 10:46:06 +0000

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