The Book of Confessions – The Heidelberg Catechism This - TopicsExpress


The Book of Confessions – The Heidelberg Catechism This week’s questions speak to the kind of mediator that is needed to deal with the sinfulness of humanity and the need for God’s righteousness. This is another challenging theological area. When we discuss human sinfulness, punishment, and atonement, we are stretching ourselves as humans to understand the vast difference that exists between God and humans. It is important to read the biblical record in light of God’s constant attempts to bridge this gap our sin creates – to overcome the brokenness of relationships between God and humans and in between humans themselves. The motivation on God’s side is always one of a loving parent seeking to reach wayward children. 12 Q. According to God’s righteous judgment we deserve punishment both now and in eternity: how then can we escape this punishment and return to God’s favor? A. God requires that his justice be satisfied. Therefore the claims of this justice must be paid in full, either by ourselves or by another. 15 Q. What kind of mediator and deliverer should we look for then? A. One who is a true and righteous human, yet more powerful than all creatures, that is, one who is also true God. 16 Q. Why must the mediator be a true and righteous human? A. God’s justice demands that human nature, which has sinned, must pay for sin; but a sinful human could never pay for others. 17 Q. Why must the mediator also be true God? A. So that the mediator, by the power of his divinity, might bear the weight of God’s wrath in his humanity and earn for us and restore to us righteousness and life.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 14:00:00 +0000

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