The Book of Enoch: Volume 5 Lecture Series 5 of 28 Chapters - TopicsExpress


The Book of Enoch: Volume 5 Lecture Series 5 of 28 Chapters 10v18-c12v6 You may have heard that Satan rebelled against God and brought evil into this world, but have you considered what brought on his fit of jealous rage? What sparked Satan’s fury in heaven that now burns as a forest fire upon earth? What had God shown His angels about His gift to us that made them cast an evil eye of envy towards mankind? Not only did God speak verbally to His angels to reveal His plan for mankind, but He showed them the future glory of this race of beings He had created in His own image and likeness. God gave the angels a panoramic vision of the glories He has planned for our race. Lecture Points in Volume 5. . . • The millennial reign of Christ again prophesied to come. All nations shall worship and bless him as the holy one of Israel. The Jews accept their Messiah. • Enoch announces that God will cleanse the earth from all injustice, and from all defilement, and from all oppression, and from all sin, and from all iniquity which is being done on earth to remove them from the earth. • Why the storerooms of heaven are closed today. • The tribulation temple dismantled and the millennial temple constructed by angels. • The 12 windows, or gates, that are around the earth explained. • 2 raptures revealed: The Gentile Rapture and the Jewish Rapture. • The birth of Satan’s intense hatred and envy of the human race explained. • The duties of angels to oversee nature explained. • Fallen angels received as gods again in near future. ~ Teacher Maria VonAnderseck https://etsy/listing/171962007/vol-5-the-book-of-enoch-the-prophet-in?ref=shop_home_active_4
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 12:56:32 +0000

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