The Book of Enoch: Volume 8 Lecture Series 7 of 28 Chapters - TopicsExpress


The Book of Enoch: Volume 8 Lecture Series 7 of 28 Chapters 13vs4- c16vs33 Series 8 begins with high drama. Fallen Watchers approach Enoch, begging him to go before the Holy and Great God on their behalf. They are in fear and turmoil on account of God’s decree against them: “From henceforth they will not be able to speak, nor will they raise their eyes unto heaven as a result of their sins which have been condemned.” (1 Enoch 13:5) The word goes out swiftly from God who makes known to Enoch in a dream-vision that he is to chastise and reprimand the Watchers for their sins against mankind. Up to this point, the Watchers could ascend and descend upon the earth, but at God’s decree their powers are removed and they are now earthbound as mortals. “From now on you will not be able to ascend into heaven unto all eternity, but you shall remain inside the earth, imprisoned all the days of eternity.” ~1 Enoch 14:5 Lecture Points in Volume 8. . . • Fallen Watchers implore Enoch to plead their case before God, for His sentence against them has brought great turmoil. • Enoch is given a dream-vision and upon awakening the Great & Holy One forms words in his mouth to chastise and reprimand the Watchers of heaven. • Angels of fire escort Enoch through a dimensional door or vortex into a house of mirrors. • Enoch is drawn into another vortex and shown a second house more grand than the first. • Enoch is shown the throne of God and the rivers of water that proceed from His throne. • God calls Enoch by name as he approaches the throne and again God instructs him to respond to the fallen Watchers. • Transformation of angels from glory to shame. • Deceased giant offspring now called demons, sent to inhabit the earth, upon it and in it and in the atmosphere, to afflict the living humans who refuse God’s covenant. • Misogyny: Fallen Watchers turn from lust to hatred, blaming all womankind for their lust and subsequent judgment. ~Teacher Maria VonAnderseck https://etsy/listing/172216968/vol-8-the-book-of-enoch-the-prophet-in?ref=shop_home_active_11
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:05:12 +0000

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