The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text edited by Royal Skousen - TopicsExpress


The Book of Mormon: The Earliest Text edited by Royal Skousen Yale University Press 2009 hardbound 2013 e-book Now available in a Print Replica Kindle edition from Amazon: amazon/The-Book-Mormon-Earliest-ebook/dp/B00DUL5T9I/ref=tmm_kin_title_0 This is an exact reproduction of the 2010 second printing of the Yale edition of the Book of Mormon. It maintains the original sense-lines, along with all the original typefaces. Print Replica Kindle books maintain the rich formatting and layout of their related print editions and offer many of the advantages of standard Kindle books. Features include: • Notes and highlights • Search, copy and paste • Zoom and pan • Pop-out linked table-of-contents You can also specify bookmarks. This Kindle book can run on virtually any device as long as the screen is big enough, which means that it can be read on any of the following devices: iPad and iPad Mini Android tablets Kindle Fire tablets PC computers and laptops Mac computers and laptops Amazon charges you only once for the book. You can download it to as many devices as you want (no limit). The PDF replication of the original text with its sense-lines prevents it from being used effectively with small-screen formats (such as iPhones). Here is Amazon’s description of what specific devices will work with Kindle: amazon/gp/feature.html/ref=dig_arl_box?ie=UTF8&docId=1000493771 --- Publisher’s information: First published in 1830, the Book of Mormon is the authoritative scripture of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Over the past twenty-five years, editor Royal Skousen has thoroughly examined Joseph Smith’s original dictated manuscript and the printer’s manuscript (the copy made for the 1830 printer) as well as 20 published editions of the Book of Mormon and has identified more than 2,000 differences between the original text and the standard text of today. Although most of these discrepancies stem from inadvertent errors in copying and typesetting the text, the Yale edition contains over 600 corrections that have never appeared in any standard edition of the Book of Mormon, and about 250 of these affect the text’s meaning. Citing the earliest sources available, Skousen corrects the text in a work of remarkable dedication that will be a landmark in American religious scholarship. Completely redesigned and typeset by nationally award-winning typographer Jonathan Saltzman, this edition has been reformatted in sense-lines, making the text much more logical and pleasurable to read. Featuring a lucid introduction by historian Grant Hardy, the Yale edition serves not only as the most accurate version of the Book of Mormon ever published but also as an illuminating entryway into a vital religious tradition.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 14:49:24 +0000

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