The Book of Mormon rivals Mao-Tse-Tungs Little Red Book as one of - TopicsExpress


The Book of Mormon rivals Mao-Tse-Tungs Little Red Book as one of the top, socialist doctrines in the history of mankind. It matters not whether the icon is Mao Tse Tung or Joseph Smith; and it matters not whether the socialism is theocratic or atheistic. These are mere feathers in the caps of the respective doctrines. Rather, it is the content of the underlying doctrine itself that matters. If that underlying doctrine looks like a socialist duck and quacks like a socialist duck, then it is indeed a socialist duck, irrespective of the color of its feathers. In short, the Title of Liberty, held up so proudly by Mormons, is a false flag, used to lure unsuspecting travelers into a socialist trap, known as the Law of Consecration, which is just about as far from the principles of economic Liberty as a doctrine can get. How do I know, you ask? There is no way on Gods great earth that a Liberty-loving God, after sacrificing so many of his precious children for the cause of Liberty, in the US Revolution and the War of 1812, would then proceed to implement a totalitarian, socialist doctrine like the Law of Consecration. That is simply not possible. It mustve come from Satan, just as its close cousins, Maos Socialism & Stalins Communism, did. Even now, in modern times, most LDS Missionaries would be far better off if they spent two years working for pay, before college, instead of paying the Church for the right to volunteer for two years on a mission ... and so would their parents! Instead, they and their parents, are pushed by all manner of social pressure into paying money for the honor of spreading the teachings. There is no way around it. The LDS Church, just like Big Fed in Washington, damages its members finances. As if Obamacare, and the burgeoning US Debt are not enough of a burden on the young, LDS youth are saddled with this extra weight! No, there is nothing liberating about it. The Mormon Title of Liberty is a false flag.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Feb 2014 07:03:06 +0000

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