The Book of the Divine Creator By Daniel © 6173 SC Verse - TopicsExpress


The Book of the Divine Creator By Daniel © 6173 SC Verse 1 For Hope is indeed the greatest of the virtues. For Hope always believes, even when all things seem lost, when all things seem forsaken, when all things seem as if heaven itself is determined to destroy your very soul, Hope still believes. And as that Hope endures, peace, life, love, faith and joy come forth, born from the strength of Hope, enshrouding the soul of the child of God with Glory. For children of the Assembly of the Divine Creator are eternal children of Hope, never giving up in their belief that God will always be their for them, hoping for bright eternal promises to give them the consolation their souls truly desire. Verse 2 For Peace is Hopes firstborn child, born of the Hope for better days, beyond the wars, trials and tribulations of the children of men. Peace is what Hope has always longed for, desiring its blessing to enshroud the heart with eternal joys of friendship and kindness, even with those who were once their bitterest enemies. Peace flows eternally, from the heart of God, like a river of purest ecstasy, refreshing the heart and giving eternal consolation under even the most difficult of circumstance. Verse 3 And Life, New Life, is the secondborn child of Hope, New life, born into a world of Peace, in which Hope has found its glory in the new world of life eternal. Life begins anew, flowing from the heart of God indeed, growing each day, brightening the heart, brightening the mind, brightening the soul, Life, in all its splendid vibrancy and enchantment, Life to make the joys of each and every day an eternal consolation from the Hope and Peace from which it has sprung forth. Verse 4 And Pure Love, the third-born. For in the new life of glory, what more could one possibly desire to seek than the gentlest touch of Love’s pure heart. For in the death of violence and bitterness, those things which the eternal power of peace has vanquished, love can be resurrected in even the most bitter of hearts, born anew, born to life eternal, and growing each and every day in the beauty which flows from God the creator, the source of eternal and blessed love. Verse 5 And then faith is restored, growing again. For love has touched its deepest heart, reminding it that once, when lost in misery and despair, hope almost forsaken, that faith can be rekindled even in the darkest of hearts. For faith moves us onwards, propels us ever onwards, trusting in the eternal Lord of Glory, trusting in the divine creator to bless us and give us the eternal joys and gifts of heaven which our deepest yearnings so truly desire, all born from the gift of faith, believing and trusting in our eternal lord. Verse 6 And the fifth-born, the greatest consolation, born from enduring hope and the remaining virtues, blessed and pure joy. Joy which gives us those moments were everything is perfect, were we cry to the heavenlies that everything is good in the world, that everything is right, that life is rolling along in divine perfection and that all things are as they should be. And that joy bursts open within us, giving us the greatest sensations of our lives, making us never forget the eternal and loving divine creator who has brought us to be. Verse 7 And then, the virtues of life, the foundational virtues being in place, we grow and develop, continuing to learn each and every day of those eternal principles of life which embellish and grant ever-growing perfection to our lives, the lives of the Assembly of the Divine Creator, the Lives of the Eternal Children of God. Thus Ends the Book of the Divine Creator
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 07:59:28 +0000

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