*The Break Up* It was one of those mundane moments when one - TopicsExpress


*The Break Up* It was one of those mundane moments when one just lies listlessly over the couch and stares blankly towards the ceiling. I was in this precise position after a day’s work when all of a sudden my phone sprung to life. “I’ve got a bad news. You won’t believe what I am going to say right now,” my friend whispered over the phone. My heartbeat accelerated. Conversations like these made me anxious. “What is it?” I asked nervously. “Sumit and Shraddha broke up, it is just so unbelievable,” my friend quipped. It truly was unbelievable. Sumit and Shraddha were an item since the time we knew the spelling of love in school. They were practically inseparable. They had crackling chemistry, whenever they entered the classroom , everyone turned their heads towards them. They were madly deeply in love. During the times when we slogged over organic chemistry in tuitions, they celebrated their love openly by bunking classes for long drives. It had been a decade of dedicated and unconditional love. Of love that had the promise to last for a lifetime. And in a moment it was gone, they just had a break up. “Hey are you there?” my friend’s question brought me back. “Hmm, It’s really sad, I never thought this would happen ,“ I remarked. “In today’s time, falling in love and being in love are fleeting emotions, not eternal but ephemeral,” my friend’s words made me think. After a few more minutes, I hung up. Yes being in love had not been an easy thing for me as well. Long distance love.There were many moments when I would cry silently over my helplessness, fret over his inability to comprehend my feelings, those numerous heated arguments that we would have over the most trivial issues, our timing constraints, our internet problems, our silent longing, our dilemmas and our differences. “Was it all worth it?” I thought to myself. My head ached even more and I picked up my phone and gave a call to my beloved. According to our time zones, it was his time for work and as usual he missed my call. I was so damn frustrated and angry. It was the right time for us to part ways I thought. Yet, the mere thought of not having him in my life made my heart ache. Literally. I just could not imagine waking up without hearing his voice, those whispered conversations when he would call, the sweet nothings and gibberish that would follow. He was that one person with whom I could talk about anything under the sun and perhaps the only one whom I loved listening to endlessly. I thought of all those little things he did which made me escatic. He was probably the only person in the world who would make me laugh like a hysteric with his impeccable comic timing. I loved the way he would hold my hand, it was neither too tight and nor too lose, it was just perfect. He would smile innocently when I would run my hand through his hair and would make sure that he wished me first on my birthday. With a confused mind and aching heart, I fell asleep. Around the middle of the night, my phone sprung to life again. It was him. With a croaky voice, I answered the phone. “I knew you would call,” I said with a sheepish smile. Those whispered conversations with one’s beloved at the middle of the night are one of the best things about being in love I feel. We spoke like that for quite sometime and it soothed my soul. I felt that despite the occasional speed breakers, it was actually worth sitting behind his scooter, holding him tight and enjoying the ride. It was time for him to go. “I love you my sweetheart, I love you very very much” my heart gushed out these words for him. “I know, now go to sleep else you’ll get late for office tomorrow ” he said. I loved this thing about him. While I was always verbose and emotional in anything I said, he was always practical, precise and to the point. We hung up and I said a silent prayer to the almighty, thanking him for gifting my beloved in my life. All that impatience and frustration some hours back seemed so foolish and useless. I felt relieved that when my demon of hatred was thriving in me, I did not call, shout, nag and complain. This would have destroyed our beautiful moment and probably many more amazing moments of togetherness in the future. In that precise moment, an important fact dawned upon me. “It takes almost eternity to nurture and experience love in all its glory while it takes only a moment to destroy it.” Some people in life are worth the patience, love and acceptance because it is only with them that one’s journey of life becomes worthwhile. Cheers to love and togetherness! ~Sarba #TAWRepost
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 15:30:00 +0000

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