The Bridge Builder An old man, going on a lonely way, Came - TopicsExpress


The Bridge Builder An old man, going on a lonely way, Came at evening, cold and gray, To a chasm vast and deep and wide; The old man crossed in the twilight dim, The sullen stream had no fear for him; But he turned when safe on the other side And built a bridge to span the tide. Old man, said a fellow pilgrim near, You are wasting your strength with building here; Your journey will end with the ending day, You never again will pass this way; Youve crossed the chasm deep and wide, Why build a bridge to span the tide? The builder lifted his old gray head ----- Good friend, in the path I have come he said, There followeth after me today A youth whose feet must pass this way, This chasm that has been naught to me, To the fair-haired youth may a pitfall be; He, too, must cross in the twilight dim; Good friend, I am building this bridge for him. Mathew 7:13&14.......13 “Go in through the narrow gate, because broad is the gate and spacious is the road leading off into destruction, and many are going in through it; 1 whereas narrow is the gate and cramped the road leading off into life, and few are finding it. 2 Peter 1:19 So we have the prophetic word made more sure, and you are doing well in paying attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place (until day dawns and a daystar rises) in your hearts. To me in this illustration Jesus is the bridge builder , he shows us the way to follow & find Jehovahs righteous ways & do his will. What do you see in this illustration ?
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 10:39:56 +0000

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