The Buddha comprehends, without peer, The exceedingly profound - TopicsExpress


The Buddha comprehends, without peer, The exceedingly profound truth; Sentient beings cannot understand, So he reveals it step-by-step. The nature of self has never existed, And possessions of self are also nil; So how come the enlightened ones Are able to have their bodies? The liberated ones, with knowledge and conduct, Are beyond category or compare; All the logic and reasoning of the world Cannot find any fault in them. The Buddhas are not worldly clusters, Elements, senses, born and dying things; Phenomenal sets cannot produce them: Thus theyre called human lions. Their nature is fundamentally empty and inactive, Theyre liberated within and without; Detached from all delusive ideas: Such is the peerless state. Their substance and nature never moves, Selfless, no coming or going; Yet they can awaken the worlds, Pacifying all, without bound. They always enjoy contemplating extinction, Uniform, without duality; Their minds do not increase or decrease, Yet manifest boundless powers. They do not do the deeds That cause results for sentient beings, Yet can understand unhindered: Such is the enlightened way. All kinds of living beings Transmigrate throughout all realms; Buddhas, not discriminating, Liberate the boundless kinds. The Buddhas golden color Is not existent, yet pervades all existences; According to the inclinations of beings, They teach them ultimate peace. Avatamsaka Sutra - Flower Ornament Scripture - 287, 288 ~~~~ The Buddha comprehends, without peer, The exceedingly profound truth; Sentient beings cannot understand, So he reveals it step-by-step. The nature of self has never existed, And possessions of self are also nil; So how come the enlightened ones Are able to have their bodies? ~~~ Because in a having.........nothing is ever had. Whether it is robes on a robe..........or the primary robe, itself. And such is so, whether it is the case of enlightened ones, or a regular John/Jane dealing with the mundanes of life. ~~~ The liberated ones, with knowledge and conduct, Are beyond category or compare; All the logic and reasoning of the world Cannot find any fault in them. ~~~ Yes. Liberation is the liberating from the investment in all contrasts. All knowledge is based on the assumption and conviction about contrast. That knowing. which contains all contrasts.........but is never defined, never confined by any contrast, any comparison. That knowing which is not in the contrast of fault/righteousness. That knowing which is not in the contrast of liberated/binding. ~~~~~ The Buddhas are not worldly clusters, Elements, senses, born and dying things; Phenomenal sets cannot produce them: Thus theyre called human lions. ~~~ This is a poetic manner of stating an essential truth. That the state of enlightenment(to use a term) not an experience at the body-mind level. At the body-mind level, aka within the realm of time(thought).....what occurs are experiences. Enlightenment is not a durational experience.........i.e. not within time. And not at a location.........aka.......a quality developed and nurtured by a biological sentient object. Phenomenality...........can only produce bursts of phenomenon. Whether deep, profound, eternal......or shallow, profane, temporary.. ....all bursts within time.........within thought. ~~~ Their nature is fundamentally empty and inactive, Theyre liberated within and without; Detached from all delusive ideas: Such is the peerless state. ~~~ Yes. All absence of contrasts. The notion of skin, which creates the within and the without... .....the inner and the outer... .....the me and the you...... .....the primary notion seen through, pierced through... ....all inferred the secondary dependent notions. ....simultaneously seen through.......pierced through. ~~~~~~~ Their substance and nature never moves, Selfless, no coming or going; Yet they can awaken the worlds, Pacifying all, without bound. ~~~~ The traversing of a Universe..........without a stir. The healing.......un-awared of any such phenomenon. ~~~~ They always enjoy contemplating extinction, Uniform, without duality; Their minds do not increase or decrease, Yet manifest boundless powers. ~~~ ^_^ Nothing to contemplate about. No one to contemplate on this nothing. And Universes..........effected.......floating about like motes of dust in a beam of sunshine. ~~~ They do not do the deeds That cause results for sentient beings, Yet can understand unhindered: Such is the enlightened way. ~~~ The cause-effect continuum of thought.... .....seen through.........pierced through. What results? What causes? ~~~~~~~ All kinds of living beings Transmigrate throughout all realms; Buddhas, not discriminating, Liberate the boundless kinds. ~~~ A presence. Un-aware of itself as a presence. And the beneficence of the milieu of such a presence. ~~~ The Buddhas golden color Is not existent, yet pervades all existences; According to the inclinations of beings, They teach them ultimate peace. ~~~ The per the thirst. The per the depth of vacancy.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 12:53:26 +0000

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