The Bundy Ranch Hiatus: While the Federal government, aka - TopicsExpress


The Bundy Ranch Hiatus: While the Federal government, aka Obamas Team, are pulling back in order to allow a slightly woozy American public to go back to sleep, let us review. The American ship of State is slowly changing course. Bundy Ranch and the social media that have tracked and reported accurately the events there, have caused the smartest man in the room to evaluate the cause and effect of the heavy handed federal presence in Nevada. This is a good thing, but only if we the people evaluate what is really happening. We have managed to maneuver the rudder of State to the right. We the people, have for a moment in time caused the momentum of the marxist takeover of America to pause for a moment. That effort, led by Bathhouse Barry, is in constant revision mode, gathering information from across the nation and gauging the temperature of the public response. This was a slight set back, but as with all learning by the seat of your pants, a chance to chart a new course. Valerie Jarrett is wiping her brow sweat, thinking how close they came to causing deaths. If that had happened, it would have spelled the beginning of the end for the marxists in the elite positions in both the White House and the government offices that they now rule with an iron fist. The effective communications that social media on the internet have become cannot begin to be evaluated in all its strengths. But this we do know. The speed of the lightening communications that we can have and the ability to have folks respond is bringing a new game to the table. And know this, for Bathhouse Barry this is a game. While the rest of fly over country and the preponderance of regular Americans hold faith and God and patriotism close to their hearts and indicative of who they are as balanced psyches, we know inside that something is off with Barack and buddies. We know the difference between phony and genuine, and we are usually fairly slow to judge and that speaks to our belief in fairness and giving the other guy a chance. But we also know what brute force is and we rejected it back in 1776. We have been rejecting it ever since. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice shame on you, Barack. Never has there ever been a time when we as a nation absolutely need our militia groups as this time and this day and these current events. The totalitarians could care less about the Constitution, the Rule of Law, settled precedent, or historic agreement. All they care about is our obedience to their rule and regulation and law. Hitler took the same approach, as did Stalin. Millions died, harassed, arrested, ruined, crushed, and made to bow the knee to the State. America woke up this past week to where this nation was heading under Obama, and one man named Cliven, stood up and said No. When the next occasion of the overreach of the autocrat takes place I know that we will react with speed and determination to see that the Bundy Ranch does not become a picture of what will happen to all of us if we do not honor the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and put government in its place. We are their masters, not their servants. Be prepared, we will be called upon again to stand up to the marxists in our Capital, on a ranch, on a road, in a subdivision or any place where they need to be stopped. - Dr. Jim Garrow -
Posted on: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 13:08:35 +0000

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