The CALENDAR OF THE SOUL Dr. Rudolf Steiner gave out the - TopicsExpress


The CALENDAR OF THE SOUL Dr. Rudolf Steiner gave out the Soul-Calendar in 1912, consisting of 52 meditative mantras to enable us to experience the astral (soul) events occurring within us as well as in Nature during the year, starting with the 1st mantra every year on Easter Sunday. We experience this unconsciously all through the year, but these meditative verses enable us to become conscious of it. The mantras for each week are well known to many students of Steiner, but the original Calendar also had 12 Images of the Zodiac, to be meditated with each month (to sense the working of the solar forces in the cosmos), plus a listing of the Moons phases & position in the signs each night (for sensing the lunar forces), and a list of dates of births and deaths of spiritual figures and dates of events to contemplate on specific days. Heres the Soul-Calendar restored to this complete form, with some details added on the planets this week as well. THE ZODIAC IMAGE The Sun, according to the Doctor, is under the influence of the constellation CAPRICORNUS from January 5th through February 8th in our era. A version (done by Margot Roessler) of a new symbolic image of the GOAT-FISH from the original Soul-Calendar (created originally by artist Imma von Eckherdstein from Dr. Steiners sketches & indications) in the color he said corresponded to the sign, a shade of magenta we cannot yet see, is already posted here on this groups page. THE WEEKS MANTRA: For those not familiar with the use of mantras: The anthroposophical spiritual path uses symbolic images, like the Zodiac image (called Imaginations ), to awaken spiritual sight, and mantras (Inspirations ) to open spiritual hearing. The meaning of the words of a mantra at first sight is not important, but rather what happens when you recite it and enter with deeper soul-forces into its inner experience. Also, these mantras were created in the German language and have their rhythms in that, so learning an English version is just a step to using the original; Ive kept close to it in translating, so anyone can easily go from English to German. * MANTRA # 43 * In Winterlichen Tiefen Erwarmt des Geistes wahres Sein; Es gibt dem Weltenscheine, Durch Herzenskräfte Daseinsmächt Der Weltenkälte trotzt erstarkend Das Seelenfeuer in Menscheninnern. It Winter-like depths Grows warm the Spirit’s true Being; It gives to World-Shining Through Heart’s strength, Existence’s Might, The World-Cold despite, there strengthens The Soul-Fire in Man’s Inwardness. An interpretation of the mantra: Last weeks verse, when worked with, led us to feel the strong drive to continue unfolding the inner souls power, and this gave us within our hearts a prophetic sensing of the reality to come in the coming spring and summer, when our inner selves once more sleep while the Earth awakens. This week, the spirit pours into the souls fiery power growing stronger, and through the heart gives to the mere appearance of the outer world a reality it otherwise would not have. THE DAYS OF THE WEEK: Sunday, January 19th. Moon Virgo. James Watt born 1736. Monday, January 20th. Moon Virgo. Sebastian. Tuesday, January 21st. Moon Libra. Eusebius. Wednesday, January 22nd. Moon Libra. Francis Bacon von Verulam born 1561. Lessing born 1729. Byron born 1788. Ampere born 1775. Thursday, January 23rd. Moon Scorpio. Wedding Anniversary of Mary & Joseph. Friday January 24th. Moon Scorpio. Last Quarter. Day of St. Timothy (Student of Paul, stoned to death in Ephesus because of his preaching against the worship of Diana). Saturday, January 25th. Moon Sagittarius. Anniversary of Paul’s Conversion on the Way to Damascus. Philosopher Jacobi born 1743. ******* PLANETS IN THE EVENING SKY: In the East, brilliant Jupiter rises next to the Twins at sunset. -Starman
Posted on: Sun, 19 Jan 2014 22:03:36 +0000

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