The CCC and the EQC have arrived at a Social Housing settlement - - TopicsExpress


The CCC and the EQC have arrived at a Social Housing settlement - this is the media release: MEDIA RELEASE 12 December, 2014 EQC and Christchurch City Council agree social housing settlement The Earthquake Commission and Christchurch City Council have reached agreement on a global settlement for the Council’s approximately 2,700 social housing units. The total payment is worth $59.4 million (after excess has been deducted), and includes the interim payments EQC made in 2012 and 2014 worth $38.7 million. The final payment to the Council will be $20.7 million including GST. EQC chief executive Ian Simpson says, “I’m delighted to be able to announce the settlement of EQC’s biggest group of green-zone building damage claims. It will ensure the Council can continue the work of repairing the damaged housing used by some of the city’s most vulnerable residents. “Settling the claims for so many units is a significant step forward for Christchurch. It is also another important milestone for settling the claims for the 170,000 homes damaged in the Canterbury earthquakes.” EQC has completed over 92 percent of all building claims in Canterbury, including 63,000 managed repairs through the Canterbury Home Repair Programme. Almost all of the Council’s social housing was damaged in the earthquakes, with 139 buildings, comprising 726 units, suffering severe damage. A further 2,025 units in 524 buildings sustained moderate damage. Christchurch City Council Chief Executive Dr Karleen Edwards says the settlement is good news for the Council’s social housing tenants and the wider rebuild of Christchurch’s communities. “The Council is already carrying out significant work programmes to repair, upgrade and replace its quake-damaged social housing across the city, building better homes and more of them,” says Dr Edwards. “Today’s global settlement with EQC allows this work to now increase and move forward at a faster pace.” Media contacts: EQC: 029 978 6430; [email protected] CCC: 027 863 2022; [email protected] ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ This email message (along with any attachments) is intended only for the addressee(s) named above. The information contained in this email is confidential to the New Zealand Earthquake Commission (EQC) and must not be used, reproduced or passed on without consent. If you have received this email in error, informing EQC by return email or by calling (04)978 6400 should ensure the error is not repeated. Please delete this email if you are not the intended addressee. *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 06:26:41 +0000

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