The CIA/ISIS pretext kills two birds with one stone. (seeing as - TopicsExpress


The CIA/ISIS pretext kills two birds with one stone. (seeing as the CIA asset Bin Laden no longer serves a purpose to them now that he has been declared officially dead this time ...enter CIA/ISIS) 1. It allows them to conquer the rest of the mideast under the guise of spreading freedom and democracy instead of imperialism quaint and 2. It means the US and likely the world, under NATO are declaring a global/international state of war/martial law, against their new bogeyman ISIS ...which basically gives them the power to declare this country under martial law, for its own protection of course. In the patriot act all terrorism is called international so long as it falls outside if any *territory* of the U.S. ...well a territory of the U.S. refers only to places such as Washington D.C. or Puerto Rico. So anywhere outside of D.C. falls under international authority tricky tricky huh common criminals anyone charged with civil disobedience or low level terrorism as they call it, who are opposed to their plan and dont fall in jackboot lockstep! Military INDEFINITE DETENTION in a FEMA camp or worse ...not a court of law! Everyone go watch Vendetta again okay and see a double cross in the state symbol!!! We all remember what happened during WW2, right? The INTERNMENT of AMERICANS who MIGHT constitute a threat. This was THE purpose, of the NDAA act and why it was created folks!! FEMA CAMPS are in place and fully stocked and manned waiting to blackbag anyone that means to stand in there way. Read protesters mostly but ...who else you ask? Oh, I dont know, whats in YOUR file (your digital footprint) that they can mind read your *possible* reaction to the takeover? Such as ...your religion, your politics your affiliations etc etc ISIS will, probably, be blamed for spreading Ebola and will give them a reason to bring their police state into the open, with NATO troops in our streets while they send our boys to die as canon fodder ...also taking them and preventing them from defending us. Believe me. They have many plan bs if their plan as dont work out to carry out the end stages of their domination of the entire planet... Remember... Obomba carries out the will of the UN not We the Peoples will...he doesnt give a hoot about democracy ...only so far as it helps to carry out their plot! ~*The administration has said it’s carrying out the offensive under the use-of-force authorization Congress approved after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as well as under his constitutional powers as commander in chief. Bill to Authorize Perpetual War*~
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 14:56:30 +0000

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