The CIA launched a campaign to convince Congress and the public - TopicsExpress


The CIA launched a campaign to convince Congress and the public that its torture program had been key to locating bin Laden. CIA deputy director, Michael J. Morell briefed the Senate Intelligence Committee, and two days later CIA director Leon Panetta himself led a second such briefing. In both briefings, the CIA asserted that using torture of CIA detainees played a substantial role in developing the intelligence that led to bin Laden, according to the committee report. But the report shows that, contrary to the CIAs claim, torture did not produce any information on bin Ladens courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, The CIA sought to prevent the Senate Intelligence Committee from learning that the most reliable intelligence on Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti actually came from an al-Qaeda detainee named Hassan Ghul. Former CIA targeting officer Nada Bakos recounting how Ghul provided the critical information on Abu Ahmad al-Kuwaiti to Kurdish officials in a free-flowing conversation in a Kurdish safehouse where he was under no coercion. Morell joined the CIA in 1980. He hand was promoted and served as Chief of the Asia, Pacific and Latin America Sections in an unknown Division within the CIA. He also managed a the intelligence analysis staff that produced the Presidential Daily Briefings for President George W. Bush. Morell served as the CIAs first Associate Deputy Director (of an unknown CIA Division) from 2006 to 2008. In 2008 became the Deputy Director of the Intelligence Division. In May 2010 Morell became Deputy Director of the CIA, succeeding Stephen Kappes. On July 1, 2011 until September 6, 2011, he served as acting director of the Central Intelligence Agency, succeeding Director Leon Panetta. When CIA Director David Petraeus resigned on Nov.9, 2012 Morell again became acting CIA director until March 5, 2013. On June 12, 2013 he retired for the CIA. Stephen R. Kappes joined the CIA in 1981. He served as a CIA officer in Pakistan and as Chief of Station in Moscow, New Delhi and Frankfurt. During the September 11, 2001 incident at the World Trade Center, Kappes was the Associate Deputy Director of Operations for the Counterintelligence Division. He served as Assistant Deputy Director under James Pavitt the Deputy Director for Operations. Hours after new CIA Director Porter Goss issues a memo telling agency officials that it must support the Bush administration, Deputy Director of Operations Stephen Kappes resigns after his deputy, Michael Sulick, criticizes Goss’s Chief of Staff, Pat Murray; in turn, Murray sends Sulick what the agency’s head of European operations, Tyler Drumheller, calls “a truly obnoxious e-mail” that “accused Sulick and Kappes, two of the most experienced, respected men in the building, of being fools and lacking integrity.” Murray then orders Kappes to fire Sulick; instead, Kappes and Sulick both submit their resignations. [WILSON, 2007, PP. 212-213] HTTP://WWW.HISTORYCOMMONS.ORG/ENTITY.JSP?ENTITY=MICHAEL_SULICK_1 In August 2004 Kappes became the Deputy Director for Operations (aka clandestine services 2004. Kappes resigned from the CIA and in November 2005, started working for ArmorGroup International (-- an alleged, private, British security company //translated: maybe a CIA front company--) and became its chief operating officer, a Vice President in charge of global strategy, and member of the board an alleged private company. John E. McLaughlin, the Deputy Director of Central Intelligence, announced his departure the same week Kappes quit. The CIA’s torture was intended to encourage compliance, John McLaughlin, deputy director of the CIA during the water boarding era, told TIME. It wasnt set out to torture people. It was never conceived of as a torture program. It had been widely reported in the press that Kappes quit the Agency rather than carry out a request by Goss to reassign Michael J. Sulick, his then deputy. After CIA Director Porter Goss was forced out in 2006. His successor Gen. Michael Hayden and Director of National Intelligence (DNI) John Negroponte brought back Kappes in May 2006 as his deputy. After the 2008 elections, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate intelligence committee, made it clear that the price of her support for the nomination of Leon Panetta as CIA director was a promise to keep Kappes on as Deputy Director of the CIA. Kappes was well known for his supervisory role in the extraordinary rendition program, a non-judicial system of rendering persons suspected of terrorism to secret locations where most of them were tortured. In 2009 Kappes was convicted in absentia by an Italian court for his headquarters-based role in the rendition and torture of an Egyptian citizen who was kidnapped from Italian soil by the CIA. In 2009, Kappes was convicted in absentia by an Italian court for his headquarters-based role in the rendition and torture of an Egyptian citizen who was kidnapped from Italian soil by the CIA. Kappes retired in May 2011, as an unusually powerful CIA deputy director after almost 30 years in clandestine operations. “Many of the al-Qaeda seniors still maintain that another crippling blow to New York City will cripple the United States,” Kappes said Michael “Mike” J. Sulick joined the CIA in 1980 for over 30 years. He spoke Spanish, Polish, and Russian and served as an clandestine operations officer (running spies and recruiting spies, aka gathering human intelligence) served for more than 11 years in Asia, Latin America, Poland, and Russia. He also served as Chief of Liaison in the Office of Congressional Affairs, Deputy Director of Central Eurasia Division and from 2002 to 2004, he served as the Deputy Director of Counterintelligence. Sulick retired in 2004. In 2007 he was recruited back into the CIA as the replaced Jose A. Rodriguez, Jr. as Director of the National Clandestine Service (also known as Deputy Director of Operations) from 2007 and in 2010 he again retired. John D. Bennett took over after him. [Congressional Record: July 29, 2010 (Senate)] Glenn Carle, the agency’s former Deputy Director of National Intelligence about Transnational Threats Division said, We should repudiate these sorts of practices, whatever the pressures and judgments of the moment were. Glenn Carle, who served 23 years in the clandestine service, dealt firsthand with the enhanced interrogation program in the aftermath of 9/11. He is the first former CIA officer to speak out publicly (March 2013) about the promotion. He said. Perhaps we should avoid raising to the highest position in the Clandestine Services someone so directly implicated in (torture). Because of her extensive role in an interrogation program that critics have said relied on torture to get information from al-Qaeda captives after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. She had run a secret prison in Thailand where two detainees were subjected to water boarding and other harsh techniques. From Thailand, the female officer returned to headquarters for a senior job at the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center. Former colleagues said she lobbied for several years to have the videotapes taken in Thailand destroyed. This female CIA officer (whose name is classified), who is in her 50s, and her boss, former clandestine service Deputy Director Jose Rodriguez, were the two main drivers for years for getting the tapes destroyed. The new director also helped run the CIA’s interrogation and detention program, and oversaw one of the agency’s secret prisons. The female officer is expected to resume her prior role as deputy of the clandestine service. foreignpolicy/2013/03/29/former-cia-officer-speaks-out-against-new-clandestine-service-chief/ CIA Director John Brennan and two members of his selection advisory panel, Stephen Kappes and John McLaughlin picked the new head of clandestine service (DDO). In 2009 according to CIA sources he helped tailor the agencys paper trail regarding the death of a detainee at a secret CIA interrogation facility in Afghanistan, known internally as the Salt Pit. And Kappes gave Obama’s intelligence transition team a pitch from Kappes and other CIA officials to retain the option of reestablishing secret prisons and using aggressive interrogation methods. It was one of the most deeply disturbing experiences I have had, said David Boren, the moderate Oklahoma Democrat and former Senate Intelligence committee chair who led the transition team. Former CIA officer John Kiriakou was sentenced last week to two-and-a-half years in jail for revealing the name of an undercover agent. He was also a whistleblower about CIA torture. He worked for the CIA from 1990 to 2004. “ I said in 2002 that it was immoral. When I returned from Pakistan to CIA headquarters early in the summer 2002, I was asked by a senior officer in the CIA’s counter-terrorist center if I wanted to be trained in the use of torture techniques, and I told him that I had a moral problem with these techniques. I believed that they were wrong and I didn’t want to have anything to do with the torture program.” rt/usa/kiriakou-torture-whistleblower-prison-term-211/ Jack Goldsmith head of the Justice Departments Office of Legal Counsel in October 2003-June 2004, put a halt to the use of water boarding as an interrogation technique because of serious concern over its legality, but Goldsmiths order was quickly reversed by others within the George W. Bush administration. White House meetings convened by George W. Bushs chief counsel, Alberto Gonzales, along with Defense Department general counsel William Haynes and David Addington, Vice President Dick Cheneys counsel, who discussed specific interrogation techniques, citing a source familiar with the discussions. Amongst the methods they found acceptable was waterboarding. Jack Goldsmith later said this group was known as the war council. Vietnam War Water boarding was designated as illegal by U.S. generals in the Vietnam War. On January 21,1968, The Washington Post published a front-page photograph of two US soldiers and one South Vietnamese soldier participating in the water boarding of a North Vietnamese POW near Da Nang. The article described the practice as fairly common. The photograph led to the soldier being court-martialed and he was discharged from the army.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 10:21:14 +0000

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