The CPF system must be fine tuned. Someone took the issue all the - TopicsExpress


The CPF system must be fine tuned. Someone took the issue all the way (we all know who) and now CPF Board wants to improve on the CPF system. If people dont bring up the matter, I do not think they will look into why people are not happy with the CPF system. 2) Influx of foreigners must be limited, but not stopped. We still need people to do construction and FnB n marine sectors etc. And Singaporeans must have a chance at these jobs too. Salaries should not be suppressed as inflation is eating away at the Peoples money. Foreigners credentials, qualifications must be checked very properly. I have heard horror stories of how ppl can get PRs etc so easily and who is to be blamed? Incompetent checks and a system not robust enough for this. 3) Mah Baw Tan did badly managing HDB flat prices, and thats why WP won Punggol. Punggol residents are young generation Singaporeans. Singaporean couples salaries do not rise sufficiently to cope with HDB flat increases, and that is totally understandable why WP can win Punngol. 4) Social spending must be increased. If 6 billion can be spent on national defense, why cant social spending not be increased? People are not asking for 100% free food, housing, medical bills. People are asking for more to be given to help the poor and needy, the middle income and also help the upper middle income a bit too. And when you spend more on social spending, make sure you dont take from other groups of Singaporeans to fund the social spending programmes. And I would like to add in point 5) the infrastructure. Lack of foresight. They want 6.9 million population. They better make sure the MRT, bus and road capacities can cope. I can see that they are working on it. More buses, more MRT lines etc. City planning is a tough job. Its not just a simple saying we want 10 million, 20 million population to reach megacity status. National dialogues are important to get feedback, to solicitate solutions to national issues. This concerns the lives of 5.3 million people, not 53 people. So in all 5 important issues must be tackled and resolved. All ruling MPs and opposition MPs must have one goal in mind. And that is, to take care of Singaporeans whose parents n grandparents have contributed to Nation Building, whose sons have served NS and to take care of those quality foreigners who have contributed in a meaningful way to our nation. Sir, I beg to move.
Posted on: Fri, 06 Jun 2014 23:46:45 +0000

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