The CSA rose again, but it is not the Confederate States of - TopicsExpress


The CSA rose again, but it is not the Confederate States of America, it is community supported agriculture. The idea was for us the goddess and me to take better care of ourselves by eating more produce and less animal products (LESS is not none, dont get me started on guerrilla vegans!) and to keep it local as a way to help our neighbors and our mama the earth. Patricia joined the CSA this spring.This is a program for distributing produce from farm to consumer. One of the ideas is to make the produce local so it is fresher and I guess well have to accept Grinnell as being local. Our particular CSA was pay in advance and take what they give you, not my favorite type of purchasing power. Every Wednesday we show up for our box o produce and take home what they had waiting for us. Which often led to the question, What is this stuff? a question both scary and delightful. We could go to the CSAs website and get a list of what we were picking up as well as some recipe ideas. We did branch out and eat veggies with which we were unfamiliar and enjoyed the vast majority. Of course as with any garden you wind up with a whole lot of some items that you dont know what to with them. We have a refrigerator Bugs Bunny would kill for, it is chock full of carrots right now. (At least they keep well.) We also got a couple of big, beautiful egg plants which Pat combined with tomato sauce and lots of cheese into a delicious meal. The carrots were both a taste and textural treat in the eggplant Parmesan. Would I do the same CSA again? Probably. While biting into something new and unfamiliar can be scary it has lead me to many pleasant destinations in the past, and at least the veggies wont bite back.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 00:28:43 +0000

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