The Cain and Abel Providential Position of Governor Amaechi - TopicsExpress


The Cain and Abel Providential Position of Governor Amaechi (Rivers State) and President Jonathan (Bayelsa State) and the Sacrifice to Make for the Salvation of Nigeria The relationship between Governor Amaechi and President Jonathan need to be understood beyond the individuals but in the wider context of the relationship of the state and the position they occupy. Amaechi and Jonathan fundamentally represent Rivers and Bayelsa states respectively. In this way, Rivers state stands in the position of elder brother, while Bayelsa State is in the position of younger brother. Using a religious expression, Amaechi and Jonathan stand in a position of Cain and Abel. It is replay of the Cain and Abel story that we are witnessing between the Governor and the President and we must be careful for both sides not to repeat the ancestral mistake of Cain and Abel. The tendency of Cain feeling more superior and not progressing like Abel is a common nature of the elder brother. Also, the arrogance and feeling of being blessed, of Abel may not be good enough for the survival of the younger brother. The future of the Niger Delta in particular and Nigeria in general will be decided by the outcome of the present relationship problems between Governor Amaechi and President Jonathan. As Chairman of the Nigeria Governors Forum, Amaechi is in the position of a Cain President since Nigeria is federated by states and he serves as Governor of Governors. Also, as President of Nigeria, Jonathan is the Abel President of Nigeria. What is required now is not for Amaechi or Jonathan to become a sole winner. We must search for common ground for both sides to win like a kind of Esau and Jacob relationship. It was a great opportunity that the national leadership of Nigeria was limited to Rivers and Bayelsa states with Amaechi of Rivers state as Chairman of Nigeria Governors Forum and Jonathan of Bayelsa state as President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, which is federated by the states led by Amaechi. The negative suspicion of each other by these two leaders is most unfortunate. Amaechi should have received the support of Jonathan to secure the second tenure as NGF Chairman with the hope to use his office to support Jonathan for the constitutional second tenure as President. Jonathan has the constitutional right to aspire to serve for a second tenure, which needs to be supported by Amaechi. So, both Amaechi and Jonathan need each other to succeed. Unfortunately, they presently feel that they do not need each other and this is dangerous for the nation. This means that both Amaechi and Jonathan needs to work together for a second tenure. However, if they do not work together, they may still secure a second tenure each but will work against each other and prevent the realization of the needed impact of the second tenure. As it stands now, the good people of Rivers and Bayelsa states need to come together as elder and younger brothers and bring their children together. This should be supported by the good people of Niger Delta, the treasure base of the nation. The resolution of this conflict will resolve the many challenges we are facing now. Amaechi needs to return back to the PDP, be recognized by the Presidency as Chairman of NGF while Jonathan needs to go ahead with the aspiration to serve Nigeria 2015 - 2019 and be supported by Amaechi. This difficult decision is the task ahead of them. Each of these providential persons should strive to make sacrifices for the purpose of saving the nation. This is providential position of Governor Amaechi and President Jonathan and the sacrifice that they need to make at this time to move the nation forward. Failing to resolve the relationship problems will prolong the national challenges we are facing
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 17:24:58 +0000

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