The California board of Nursing is giving me a headache. Its - TopicsExpress


The California board of Nursing is giving me a headache. Its reported that in October the board spent around 52 million dollars for an electronic system for licensing. Before the program it took around 3 days to receive a license, now it takes anywhere from 8 weeks to 6 months. I am only trying to go through the endorsement process and am running in to issues but new grads down here are graduating and not being able to take the NCLEX for months and then waiting more months to be able to apply for work. California is also ranked 48 out of 50 as far as nurse to patient population ratio. I literally called 30 times today, you call a government agency and either immediately get a busy signal or if its not a busy signal you listen to a recorded message for over two minutes before having the option to choose to speak with someone. At that time I press the number 2 to speak with a real live human and then receive a message stating that due to their high call volume they are not taking calls at this time. Out of 30 calls I have actually gotten through to a human two times. Both times I was on hold for over twenty minutes before anyone picked up. The first time I was told that theres nothing I can do but wait, it wasnt even said nicely. The second time I was transferred to another department that had another answering service stating to leave a message and they would return calls in one business day. I have also left emails. Im not holding my breath. Im ready to get back to work. Im all for technological advancement and progress but this is a little much. Now that I have vented fully I want to say that my problems are so very little compared to others out there and that Im praying for all of those touched by the landslide in Oso and the surrounding area. So tragic, life is fragile, I love all you wonderful people out there!
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 21:36:28 +0000

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