The Call of Duty...Part Three Pastor Tony revisited Matthew 13, - TopicsExpress


The Call of Duty...Part Three Pastor Tony revisited Matthew 13, regarding the seed and the soil. He admonished us to open yourself up to what God wants to do in your life. Not understanding the Word, not being planted in a church, not being committed brings in opportunity for confusion and deception. There is no depth, no life in who you are. When there is no change in our lives the heat gets on us and the seed is lost to the thorns. We choke out what God wants to do in your life. God has good plans for your life; strategic plans, not just thoughts, but divine appointments to transform your life. If the seed lands on fallow ground, no matter how powerful the seed is, it will be lost. How many are ready for the cycle to stop? PT read from 1 Corinthians:8-9. You are Gods field. Genesis 2:7 reveals something about the moment He formed man. God had just created the dust of the ground then reached down and took of the dust and formed man. God breathed into mans nostrils and wasnt afraid to get dirty. He reached down again, when Jesus came, because we had dirt; sin on us. God breathed on the dust and made it come alive and it became the image of the living God. Reading from 2 Timothy 3, All scripture, every single passage, from Genesis to Revelation is breathed out by God. That Word has power that has excelled from the being of God. Why does the enemy fight against you praying or reading the Word? Because he understands if the Word gets into good soil, it has authority to bring back what he has stolen. Hell convince you to stay away and spoil the soil. The enemy understands the potential of the Word and unless you have the power of God, you cant be transformed by the Word of God. Some, PT said, would say Ive got good soil. PT then asks, Then why are you the same as you were five years ago? In good soil, nothing is impossible. The problem isnt with God. It also isnt whether God wants to answer your prayers. We pray and then say, If it be Your will, Is that faith? There are no question marks or ifs in the Lords prayer. When Jesus prayed, If it be Your will, its because He was going to the cross. There are no ifs if we should be holy. God wants to raise you up and set you free. Gods been working in your soil. God took man from earth, put it back and told him to tend the garden; be stewards over the earth. Problems have come into our lives creating bad soil. If we led our lives the way God originally intended, our lives would be different. Disbelief impacts our entire world. We chose to disobey the Word, which caused the order of things to get out of place. How do we create good soil? By sowing righteousness, breaking up fallow ground; ground thats become hardened, overtaken by thorns. Seed cannot grow in fallow ground. God is calling ;you to break up fallow ground., to quit allowing things to choke out His Word. Repent. It means to have a change of mind, to think differently. You cannot do the same things, the same way, because God cant work in your life. If you deny the laws of the Kingdom, the Kingdom cant work in your life. God calls us to times of refreshing. When you repent you can be restored. Expose the darkness. We cant have secrets; those sins we embrace. When you keep a secret, you build a fence around it. Darkness must be exposed, because light always has authority over darkness. Wouldnt you rather have a healthy, peaceful mindset? PT encouraged those with secrets to seek out someone they can trust, who will reach out to help them. Because God loves us, He will chasten us. He sees whats best for you and has priority over eternity. John 15 tells us that He reproves us. He takes away branches to release increase of fruitfulness; to transform us, so that we have stable footing. PT exhorted: to bring that thing that keeps God from working in you. Allow God into your life today. Break up that fallow ground. Name those thorns in your life, that mindset. and begin the process today. Gods anointing can break that chain. Find a scripture that breathes into that situation as an act of faith; a physical response to what Gods doing in you. Align yourself with the Spirit.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 03:32:11 +0000

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