The Canaanite woman was not invited to feast at the Lord’s - TopicsExpress


The Canaanite woman was not invited to feast at the Lord’s table. She was not allowed to sit with Him and host the presence of the Lord but she needed what He had to offer so she became a Beggar. She begged for the crumbs which had fallen from the table because there was a need in her home for the bread of deliverance. She begged for the word which the honored and esteemed dinner guests had thrown away. She longed for just the scraps of revelation to cure her demonized daughter. She wanted Kingdom leftovers; a doggie bag. She was even called a dog but it did not matter, she panted for the leftover meat. “I have invited you to My table of feasting. My table is spread. Everything you need and can ever desire for is available to you. I have pulled back your seat. I have folded your napkin and prepared your plate but My son, daughter, the option to eat what has been laid before you is entirely yours. I can’t force you. I won’t force you. I want you to partake of My table freely and willingly, never under compulsion or being force fed. What you refuse, what you throw away is a golden treasure to those who long for My presence. There are those who long to hear My voice speaking to them personally but you, My son, daughter, have taken these things for granted. There are a people who will hunger and thirst after Me. They will surrender all and deny themselves to follow Me. They will run to My table and satiate themselves upon My bread and My wine. They will eat and drink to the fill and will take what they have stuffed in their pockets and share with as many as will partake. I have a people who will join Me joyfully at My table. They won’t need to be primed or persuaded. They will hear Me invite them and they will come obediently. I have space at My table for I long to sup with you. I have so much to share with you and bread and wine aplenty which will sustain you in the tedious seasons of your life. I have what you need for I created you to nourish you.”
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 12:21:03 +0000

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