The Candid Overview of National Challenges By Tariq Mian (Miracle - TopicsExpress


The Candid Overview of National Challenges By Tariq Mian (Miracle News) It’s said that those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat the expensive blunders over and over. Those having no integrity and proper education are always a “bad news” for the country and its people indeed. Unfortunately, Pakistan still is struggling to stay afloat against all odds but it can’t go on forever with the status quo. On top of that, the pessimistic approach of the leadership has converted the nation into a “scared pigeon,” who upon confronting a hungry cat closes his eyes out of fear and quietly surrenders only to end up as a “perfect meal” to the greedy cat’s stomach. So is the case with the vulnerable nation of Pakistan which remains in surrendering/submissive mode. Attempting from different angles, the stake holders have been responsible for the mushrooming growth of (negative) scenarios pushing Pakistan towards its gradual demise. Obviously, they are taking advantage of the naive nation that has already been manipulated to get drowned in social vices including the rampant corruption and the ongoing dislike of the rule of law. If democracy in Pakistan has finally been able to survive against the odds, the fact is choosing the electable means the feudal influence plays a major role; the business tycoons too get elected based on their influence. This indicates the presence of reduced chances for an intellectual who run the risk of being left out and is never able to become a parliamentarian, whereas, the electable does stand a solid chance to reach his seat in the legislature with the potential of becoming the Head of any Ministry regardless of his/her credentials/education or ethical background. If that’s the case, there is going to be the case of administrative failure already. Furthermore, the resulted “sub-standard governance” triggers the birth of rampant dishonesty at every level. Consequently, a large scale injustice prevails everywhere making it much easier for the enemy to wage a successful proxy war against Pakistan at will. Despite the conflicting theories, almost every corner of the country has been infected with terrorists and the anti social rascals. Sadly, there is no proper apparatus in place to handle “the armed to the teeth groups,” therefore, the resultant crises of all types keep mounting. Question naturally strikes one’s mind as to where the UNO is, and what has hypnotized the ruling elite? Why the main stream global media is reluctant when it comes to pinpoint the real reasons as well as the mastermind behind the cultivated genocide in the Muslim lands? This unfair practice is highly unethical; hence, remains a strong item for an open debate on various forums anyway. The fear however is, if the anti-Pakistan momentum is allowed to be maintained at the current pace, and the naive Pakistanis fail to end their divide based on their difference of opinion, then it’s a “win win” thing for those who happen to be other than patriotic Pakistanis. But, the painful reality suits the most only to those who have anti-national selfish ends built in the foul play. Certainly, no economic recovery or normalcy can ever occur unless the obstacles are removed forthwith. Although, the third timer prime minister of Pakistan Mr. Nawaz Sharif claimed during his 19th August 20, 2013 maiden address to the nation that he had been thoughtful every single minute to find ways to deal with challenges, yet he would need to understand more about how his governance business could revive the lost writ without any further delay. Certainly, calling a spade a spade and distinguishing between the black and white is a step closer to the correct direction without which, one cannot reach the intended goal. Mr. Sharif agrees that Pakistan has been shaken due to the administrative inefficiency and the overflowing corruption. He accepts that this negative reality has brought the national institutions like PIA, Pakistan Steel, Railway and WAPDA to the verge of virtual collapse. Admittedly, a massive electricity and gas theft ranging from 150 to 250 billion rupees annually has made the government to launch an aggressive campaign against line losses. Having diagnosed the problem fully well, Mr. Sharif should be able to remedy much of it, but he has to leave the pessimism behind. During the address, his facial expression and body language showed his disappointing hopelessness. Surprisingly, the prime minister courageously showed his rage over the drone strikes and termed them as an infringement of country’s sovereignty, yet he didn’t have solution. He admitted the issue of terrorism was due to the type of foreign policy but he showed his commitment to peace and friendly relations with the neighbours. Again, he failed to show any mechanism to tackle the issue. As usual, he reiterated that Balochistan would no longer be ignored. His invitation to all political parties to resolve the crisis of terrorism collectively through dialogue or use of force is not a bad idea, yet again; it depends on how skillfully his regime disconnects any links between the militants and their pay masters from foreign or from within. Mr. Sharif also claimed his regime has been working on overcoming the electricity crisis through the arranged retirement of circular debt worth 480 billion rupees. He claims electricity generation has been increased by 1700 MW. Disappointingly, the prime minister had little to suggest about the “law & order” situation in Karachi, yet he touched upon his pet projects of motorways and railways. In his maiden speech, the PM presented himself as sober and thoughtful but not very optimistic. However, he tried to show his sincerity and a new sense of commitment. His speech will be used on different channels again and again in future to remind him of his commitments. So, he better be careful, as he will remain under microscope when it comes to his delivery as pledged. Besides his dreaming of making Pakistan an Asian tiger, the chief executive with heavy mandate has been seriously talking about eliminating terrorism to end the vicious cycle of bloodbath, improving economy, addressing power crisis and pursuing good relations with all countries of the region including India for the sake of regional peace and prosperity. He spoke about the Kashmir issue, a good strategy towards Afghanistan and his intended bold review of foreign policy. When will his dreams come true? Only, time will tell.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 03:09:55 +0000

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