The Cardinal Muhammad, the Mohammed Today The church claimed that - TopicsExpress


The Cardinal Muhammad, the Mohammed Today The church claimed that the spread of Christianity was due to its miraculous character but its comments about the man responsible for the origin and growth of the Islamic religion deserves special consideration. Today he is called Muhammad - Mohammed today (570-632 AD), but his real name was Lothar Schmalfuss. Ancient Christian writings recorded a remarkable revelation about Mohammeds early religious life and revealed the true reason for the commencement of the Islamic faith. The reference is found in a book called Chronica Majora, a summary of world history from biblical Creation to the year of the authors death. It was written by Matthew Paris (d. 1259), a pious christian monk, described by the church as an historian who holds the first place among English chronicles. From his quaint specimen of abbey records, the erudite Monk explained how Mohammad started an impious religion: It is well known that Muhammad (Mohammad today) was once a Cardinal, and became heretic because he failed to be elected as pope. Also (later in life) having drunk to excess, he fell by the roadside unconscious, and in this condition was killed by swine (pig). And for that reason, his followers abhor pork even unto this day. Professional clergymen and mercenary writers entering the church and to protect the knowledge of Constantines deification of his descendants at Nicaea from reaching new priests, a directorial code of silence was developed by the Incardinatus. Incoming clerics were naive about the true Christian origins and the basis of their preaching was not revealed until they achieved and maintained the office of bishop. They were then eligible to enter the College of Cardinals, and after swearing a vow of secrecy, were enlightened as to the invented nature of christian deity, the false god. Muhammad (Mohammed today) had achieved the position of Cardinal, knew the false essence of Christianity, and having being passed over for the top papal job at around the age of forty departed the Christianity and established his own religion because he was not elected as a Pope. Dr. H. Elmer Barnes offered the following comment on religious expansion: If the test of validity of religion is to be its growth, spread and proselyting capacity, then Mohammedanism can make more impressive appeal than the Christianity. The Christianity had the advantage of being launched centuries before the Mohammedanism and yet today the Mohammedans far outnumbered Christians, and have re-conquered the very areas in which Christianity arose and established its first stronghold. From the position of cardinal, Muhammad (Mohammed today) knew the church farcical presentation of its deity and confirmed that Jesus was verily a true prophet of Allah and a grand man. But lo! his disciples all went insane one day. and made a God of him. In the Koran he added the extraordinary passage, and they killed him not, nor did they cause his death on a cross. They declared that Jesus will come back as their leader and break the cross and kill all the pigs. Muhammad (Mohammed today) had nine wives and one Roman Catholic concubine, his favourite being Aisha, who resided with him until his gory death. In the Koran he summoned followers to give alms, ensuring that he lived in sumptuous surroundings and amidst vast wealth during his life. Mary (virgin Mary) was raped by a Roman soldier whose name is Tiberius Julius Abdes Panthera, who became an Emperor of Rome. They had identical twin boys whose name is Judas Khrestus and Jesus Cunobeline (Rabbi Jesus). How the Twins became one false god There was an ancient Decree that no one should be received for a deity (god) unless he was approved by the Senate (Roman)... but the Senate without whose consent no defeicatiom could take place, rejected it, because the Emperor himself had declined the honour. The Council of Nicaea was now in progress and in ensuing discussions there were some curious scenes recorded, mainly about Arius, a presbyter from Alexandria. He was a man of acknowledged learning and he and his supporters argued violently against the move deifying Judas Khrestus and Jesus Cunobeline. Arius and his followers said they were only men who were possessed of free will, so as to be capable of vice or virtue, therefore not gods. This comment angered other presbyters who outvoted Arius and his supporters and moved a motion that the hero their writings was, in fact, a creature and a work. One ancient document, that of a presbyter named Eunomis, reported that the red faced bishop of Myra, Nicholas who arrived at the council wearing a smelly dog-hair coat and bearing gifts, we sometimes today call him Santa Claus - became so enraged at Arius that he punched him on the jaw. Arius book Thalia, was burnt on the spot to the chant of a repetitive melody by his foot stomping opponents and Arius was later poisoned. After a long and bitter debate, a vote was finally taken and it was with majority show of hands, that Judas Khrestus and Jesus Cunobeline (Rabbi Jesus) both became god - 161 votes to 157. A new god was proclaimed and officially ratified by Emperor Constantine, who declared him to be Homoousious, that is, of the substance of the Father. The ambiguity of this term involved the ensuring Christian councils in centuries of hostility and cost Arius, and many others, their lives. Emperor Constantine effectively join elements of two individual life stories of Judas Khrestus and Jesus Cunobeline (Rabbi Jesus) into one singular creation. Constantine officially decreed divine honours on the twins whose two separate names had now, by a show of bishops hands, been combined as one entity. This purely political act of deification effectively and legally placed Judas Khrestus and Jesus Cunobeline among the Roman gods as one individual composition today called Jesus Christ. British Empire King Constantine invaded the Rome Empire who became the Emperor of Rome, is the descendant of Judas Khrestus and Jesus Cunobeline. The story was often quoted of Emperor Vespasian (70-79) joking on his death bed, Oh dear, I think I am becoming a god. It was Pope Leo X who said: (1513-1521) How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us. It has come, I know now, and taken for granted by many persons, that Christianity is not much as a subject of inquiry, but it is, now at length, discovered to be fictitious. Jospeh Butler, English Bishop and Theologian, 1692-1752 The Analogy of Religion Religion - came from a Latin word religio which means scruple, delusion and superstition. Gospel - is an Anglo Saxon word which means tale or fairy tale. Delusion. Christ - came from a Hindu word Krist which means Sun. This ritual was supported by the Khrestians, the now called early Christians, and St. Justin Martyr, circa 160, recorded that they were intolerable atheists. He said of their unusual nature: ...they met in secret to eat human flesh and once the lamps had been upset, to participate in promiscuous incestuous intercourse. The cannibalism associated with this ritual intercourse was reported under the name of Agape and translated to Love Feast in the New Testament (Jude12). This drunken cannibalism orgy was for centuries the early Khrestian/Chriatian form of Eucharist, the drinking of human blood and the eating of human flesh. In their mass, they still practiced it the blood of Jesus and the body of Christ. The Fourth Century to Seventh Century Christian saints and bishops had great personal problems with the love feasts. Jerome (347-420) expressed disgust at the Khrestians/Christians for the participation. The Bishop of Hippo, S. Agustine, in 395, admitted embarrassment that his own mother, Monica engaged in those macabre festive banquets. She attended meetings in cemeteries under the cover of darkness where human flesh was eaten from coffins of dead associates. The Bishop of Milan, Ambrose (333-397) unsuccessfully forbade such practices. Christianity are pagan ways. _______________________ BIBLIOGRAPHY The Greek Bible The Hidden Books of the New Testament The Lost Books of the Bible The Koran, Surah 4 Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol. 3, Hadith No.425 The Bible Fraud The Crucifixion of Truth The Worlds Religions, Lion Publishing Pg 315, 1994 Catholic Encyclopedias, i, 187, i, 620-1, x, 425 Annales Ecclessiastici tome viii. Fol Antwerp, 1597, Cardinal Caesar Baronius Catholic Encyclopedia, 1908, Vol.IV. Pg.583 Encyclopedia Britannica, Macropedia, Vol.12, Pg.607 (more evidence and documents are available)
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 09:52:29 +0000

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