The Case of the Vengeful Snake by- Eugene Mathena A couple of - TopicsExpress


The Case of the Vengeful Snake by- Eugene Mathena A couple of years ago my Dog Samson and I were coming back from a long trip we had taken to Maine. We had went on a antique shopping excursion. We stayed up there three days. When we were finished we loaded up the car and headed on our way back to beautiful Virginia. We had fun on our way back. Samson kept his head out the window most of our trip, his tongue dangling out and catching the bugs in the air. We drove on some long and winding roads. One time we noticed a deer stepping out into the road, she seemed really sad. I slowed down the car almost to a complete stop so she could get to the other side safely. I even said out of the window Little doe why are you so sad? Dont be so sad you may get hurt out on these roads like this. We drove a little further and I noticed a little turtle laying on its back in the middle of the road. Stopping the car and got out picking the little guy up I set him on the side of the bank away from any danger and in the direction that it looked like he had been traveling. I knew he would die if I just left him in the road on his back and felt it was only right for me to help him. We traveled a little further. When we saw a big long rattlesnake crossing the road, he had entered into the road right where I was getting ready to pass by. I pushed the brakes on my car but still managed to run over the snake but it was by pure accident. I turned and looked at Samson telling him I didnt mean to run over the snake and that he seen I really tried to stop. Coming through Maryland around 8:00 pm we made a stop in a small town called Glenville to grab a small bite to eat, we were famished. I had noticed what looked to be a circus across the street from the diner when were eating. I told Samson we would go check it out after we were finished eating and he liked the idea. Once done eating we paid the waitress tipping her good. We then walked over to the Circus. There were several tents spread out over the area. I noticed one tent that said See a Woman dance with a snake. The price was only 2 dollars so I paid for me and Samson to go in and watch this woman and her snake. I noticed while I was waiting for the show to begin a very attractive lady was standing beside me, she had on some great smelling perfume. I thought wow it was worth the two dollars just to stand next to this lady and smell her perfume. I admired her long wavy blond hair. The show then starting shortly afterwards and the lady begin letting this big snake crawl all over her and she danced with it. The snake began to wrap itself around her and she would peel it off from her body and stick out her tongue while it did the same to her. Torward the end of the show she opened her mouth real wide and began shoving the snake down her throat. She then picked up a stick and began cramming the snake down her throat with it. I was mortified and knew something had to be wrong. First looking at samson I then turned and looked at the attractive lady that was standing beside me. Her head had been replaced by a tomato. She said to me when I looked at her Would you believe it hunny if I told you my last name is Campbell. I then knelt down in the floor grabbing my head and saying to my self that this wasnt happening, that something had gone wrong with the magic in my life and I had to find out what. I began to get up when I heard the voice of a man behind me. I raised up to look and saw a man with the body and legs made from a pretzel. Looking at Samson I told him We need to get out of here. We ran for the door making it outside we noticed that everything had become dark and the moon was full. It had a long tongue and was drinking all the water from the ocean. The moon noticed Samson and me looking at him and his facial expression changed to a expression of anger. He took his tongue and grabbed Samson and me and flung us with it through space. We flew through space for what seemed like several minutes seeing several comets and what looked like a Chariot of fire but noone was driving it. The driver of the chariot must had gotten off somewhere and the horses were just riding by themselves. Finally we came down sitting into some chairs in what looked like a court room of some kind. A little cricket hopped out and told us we had been brought there because of breaking the law of the magic. I turned and looked at Samson, he had his feet propped up on the table smoking a cigar while reading the paper. I jumped up and said Have you all gone mad? The baliff, who was a big ole hog, told me to sit down and shut up and wait for the honorable Judge T.H. Omis to arrive for the court proceedings. I began to ask what I had done? Then Judge Omis, who was a badger, finally stepped out. He began to explain that a plaintiff had sued us for purposely breaking a code of conduct in the magic. I hopped to my feet and began yelling that it was a lie. Samson then hopped to his to back legs walking over to my side of the table poking me in the chest told me to just sit down and shut up. He had everything under control. So I sat back down and I shut up. The Honorable Judge Omis then called out the Plaintiff, it was the snake I had accidently run over when coming back from Maine. The snake took the courtroom floor and was representing himself. he began to speak Thesssse two animalssssss purpossssly ran over me knowing that it is against the code of the magic to do sssssso. He proceeded with his case and explained I have no witnessessssss but my broken bones to tessstify on my behalf. The judge looked at us and I then again Jumped up and began screaming Snake you are lying, you know I slowed down and tried to miss you but you came out into the road right as I was passing you! The HOG Baliff come over to my table and began beating me with his night stick telling me to keep my voice to myself and he looked around for cameras while doing it and I dont think he wouldve stopped untill Samson began growling viciously at him. The Judge then asked if we had anything to say on behalf of ourselves and then Samson took the floor and said Yes your honor, I call out our first wittness Lu Lu the Deer. Lu Lu the deer then entered the courtroom floor and began explaining how Samson and I had slowed down to let her get across the road and that the snake had just killed her fawn. She said My baby had just met a friendly little mouse and the snake had seen the mouse and wanted to kill it and eat it and my little fawn warned the mouse to run and that the snake then struck my baby in retalliation for warning the mouse. The snake then made a big gulp sound while sitting in his chair. Then Judge Omis turned and said Is this all you have to say Lu Lu? Lu Lu then said No, I want to state that these two are among the best of the best when it comes to the conduct of the magic and the driver was willing to get out and help me cross the street that day because he saw I was in so much grief over the loss of my baby. Lu Lu the Deer was then excused from the Courtroom and then Samson took the floor again and said Honorable Judge Omis I now call out our second wittness Barf the Turtle. We then waited several hours for Barf the turtle to reach the floor and Samson then asked him Mr. Barf, how did you get on your back in the middle of the Highway? Barf the Turtle answered by saying I was on my way to see my girlfriend when the Snake came a racing by and I happen to get in his way and he said he couldnt bite me but he would flip me over on my back and let a car crush me. Barf the Turtle then added and he did. At this time the Snake coiled up in his chair and began hissing loudly at everyone in the courtroom and Judge Omis slung down his huge hammer and said Balliff bring that snake into my Chambers now! and began to rub his tummy and then said Its past my lunchtime and a snack is in order. Samson and I had won the case and we were then brought back home. I then awoke in my bed with Samson looking at me panting his breath in my face and I said to him Buddy I just had one heck of a dream. Samson just looked and panted and I then sat up and turning back torward Samson I said Boy you better not have Cigar breath and then samson made a little coughing sound and we then went outside to see what kind of beautiful day we were in store for together. ©আযমী
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 03:57:35 +0000

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