The Celibate Genius It is wise to surmise My current state of - TopicsExpress


The Celibate Genius It is wise to surmise My current state of Dispositional to of My Own doing, setting the plate for those that have something to do to measuring Me by but Im not vain or I folly of any one. Its with the stage that I have set to play the part of a Man who went through hell and back so He can understand what countless others before Him went through in order to testify. If My tales You find to be not up Your taste and I could agree if I didnt have such a high Notion of My Esteem in order to deflect the Fame that My Talent always attracted to Others to try and exploit Me. I dont mind Commerce but I do know a Carpet Bagger with no integrity and bad intention when I am in their company. As a Man of incredible appetite for absorption of things, I am glad that My handicap is that of uploading content of words rather than just gastronomy and I would say that You would have in Your hands, quite a large and overly obese Kofi to pick up had My consternation been direct to just eating food like I read and produce in My Artistry. Most Men of My caliber do have luckless assertion with their Family duties and I Am so trying to break such habits, but as You can see Im just juggling My portfolio around and putting together a Team that believes in Me as I do. I am preoccupied with so much on My mind to what governed My responsibilities that I dare say a domestic life would have been no different; I would have been there physically but My mind would not have been on My Significant Other. Alas, such is the burden of a Man of Intellect and who pursues His desire to know to no end and I can tell You that there is a disease to push beyond the norm that is set by others consult when they themselves do let have the will but rely on You to Will it and then its then theirs to take like vultures but Im not getting the right set of daily information that can render one nearly losing it. I need to think daily. I need to express daily. I feed into Words and consume large amount of data like the Clouds above. Im in sync with My maker and I know that the search for Me was to get to that place where I could see that Pink Light and know I have arrive. My search wasnt going to be On Google. I put things here so when My Children want to know Me I know they can search the computer engine and optimize their life with what I saved up on this artificial Heavenly Cloud and know that I will be SAVED til All Eternity. I am taking care of My Name while Im alive and I dont need much to sustain this body but the mind, the Mind, needs a whole lot of investing in to get it ready to compute all the information that is necessary to answer all query but I also have the experience as You can see in the images. Money well spent. Ive done that but now its time to use that conviction of science to faith to pass it On to others since Im Destine to Teach no matter how much I avoid the Class room or the Pulpit. Sigh. We Are Not On The Same Level. When You here something thats is whole in its value, do not think because Ive shared it and that You read it and now You Own part of the words without Giving God the Credit. Yes I said it, but I got it all from every One around Me so if I didnt live I wouldnt know what reality is so I know I came to watch and experience all but theres the approach to uploading the different forms. Mind thats the sensory, Body, Action and Presence, and Spirit, already there with Love and Enthusiasm to bond with those that do also show up. You may know the first stage to Ownership when the Preacher tells You to name it and You can claim it. But so its any purchase thats transacted. Theres more to Ownership than Purchasing something. Having cash to buy something doesnt Mean it belongs to YOU. It means You have one means to it but buying it to hide is selfish just as much as You holding money under the mattress and You dont invest in any of Your talents. You can acquire something but to truly make it Yours is the maintenance and Im not gonna have any one talk Me out of taking care of a High Standards any more. I use to drawn at that label but I see now I was hating and its not cool so screw You for loafing those Who wish to improve their circumstances. You still have to TAKE CARE OF IT. True Ownership is the Maintenance of that thing You have Your claim to. Ask any Chipmunk that hoards their nuts. Why do animals do that? Survival. Tomorrow. Rainy day. Pension plan. Enjoying it. We now have the roots and reason why We hoard and fight and play keep away. Because We are protecting the sanctity of the Level of Quality and I am in agreement since it was My desire to ask for Understanding in also maintain such High level of standard. But I also wanted to grow Organically and Im glad to say I have; meeting the great People on My journey these parts few years has made Me more appreciative of bonding with People beyond just selling them things. I listen to their dreams, and their dreams kept Me inspired to continue pursuing My dreams and it have gotten Higher and better and Im grateful to God Almighty for giving Me the Health, Wealth and Wisdom to complete what has been a turn around for Me and My Team these past decade. We are all Gods Children and endowed with Love as a Social currency so We as animals have to rise above the destruction that We seem to bring on Ourselves, and We do, its call Growing up. I have nothing in time of need until I ask someone and My love can turn to thievery and log to take what others have and such is the case that We seldom learn how to ask for something because We either pride Ourselves out of been giving by acting too independent and when its Your time of Need, People tell You how they feel about Your past action by playing short arms and deep pocket. What Goes Around, Comes Back Around. I had it to give, I did give. You remember too little because You are not accredited. You dont get the whole system of operations and sacred geometry on not only how to understand it, but how to use it in a timely manner. Allow Me to let You in on Why Im so Confident. Im what You call a Master Sage and seldom do You get one like Me walking around freely, giving away knowledge freely. Im not a Mason, Im above it all in My dispensation of acquired knowledge. We can nice here the same words but it sinks in different based on the processors God has giving in preparation for each of Our position in life. What Authority I Have, You may not have even if You have the same information. You may get a Masters in paper but Im respect for application of My Mastery and its what has My Name up in the skies, not just the rafters. I have been in championship bouts, put on Artist, Worked to support Stars so I know You know what a King Maker is. You cant substitute Your Youthful Arrogance for My EXPERIENCE. It aint happening. What I have been giving You are all My parts in activities during the most explosive periods in Human Experience. A Transition through an EPOCH. From a processional period in time and I called it because it was known to be coming. We all should have known it. I was not the only One. What I do know is, I showed up and went to all the places that I read on the charts to be at where the Collective power of Humans, Gods and Angels where gathering and I experienced the movement into paying to hear the Secret before it became a television series. There much to be said about having the first 5Dimensional lens and then putting it to good Use. We shot fight to be saved. It opened doors into more dimensions for Me and I was invited because of My perception to join in the discourse in figuring out the way to monetize social media in 2008. You can go to University all You want to get degrees but I made History by being in History. You can dismiss it but its call experience and it gives You a perspective that Rookies cant pull until they bow down to someone Who has done it before. Thats what You scream Your heart out when You follow fools like these little Young Stars that have Virtually no Experience but are famous in Virtual reality yet, they have never done what they rap or portray because they are Actors telling someone elses story. But theres a character trait I have to put You on about worshiping anything or becoming someone else in role playing. And this is where You amateurs dont understand when We say Your playing with the Devil. The Characters You emulate have a value in any society and You, You can Choose to be anything You want to be, play, but why be everything. I dont want to be everyone. I dont want to where a dress and play a Woman. I dont want to be the Robber in Cops and Robbers, I seldom want to practice such range because I know Art can imitate reality. Quincy Jones said it best and So I listen to that Grand Master in a flash of epiphany. You are playing with fire when You criss cross characters because You are too thirsty to just horne in on just being Yourselves and having a Master Teacher teach You how to handle Your Emotions. So You go to a casting call with nothing but Your Raw Talent and You have a bunch of caste aways Who themselves just Yesterday where in Your shoes as Aspiring what Evers, tell You if You can just get in this Couch and take Your clothes off they will put You OUT THERE. Yes that much is True. But as a Nudist with the only talent thats spreading is Your cheeks for say, $500-1000 but thats what they mean when they said You selling Your Soul because any One with any sense and value will rather flip burgers for the same dollars but when You raise the stakes up higher to millions then its really not about dollars and cents any more but about Power, and Whos Dick or Pussy is letting You into their Orgies. Im not going. Ill rather take My wares to the Streets and let the People judge Me. But I speak from a disposition that I can afford. I do have cultivated talents. My Father did spend Money on Me to acquire the Best experiences, training, lessons, and Tutors His Money could afford and that is what I call a grand investment and Im not lost to how its become paramount in creating the separation from the thirst quenchers I have met playing keep away with resources to get You into bed. Forget about it. When they know You know Your worth then its a whole different ball game. I have know My worth since I was born, but the unfortunate thing about America is that its made up of cantankerous bunch of rebellious misfits who left wherever they came from to escape such Autocratic structure of distribution of power, Yet would like the world to submit to their call to sit at the Power table. Child Please. You lack the rituals to create a satisfying power flow that can satisfy everyone under Your current flow. So We have device certain maize for You to go through and its amazing how You love the rats in the races and You wish to emulate them to get all these Cheese coming out of their Heifers and You dont seem to quite see the symbolism in Your current dogmas to the ancient but You lambast the Past. Lol. Be diligent and come visits a Me and bring a special cloak that can wrap around Me and give Me some books that can enlightenment Me. Ive always loved Books. To be in the Mode. Now let Me switch My tone. I am not looking to shine as a Light and darken Your light. Every promise, every word that has ever come out of My mouth is to heighten the message of God in Man. Love. Love. Thats the Word I have come to appreciate about the Wisdom discovered after My Journey. Some of You may never have needed it, or are just discovering it as I have upon reaching this destination. I Walked through trials and tribulations and I must say I had to slow down as I was told By Some of You for been too far ahead in What I wrote and said. You dont understand how sad I could feel when I am not able to get through to someone, and You may know that Im only frustrated because I was loving in My Human form and I would say it was enjoyable. But for My Sake, and My Children sake, I am only speaking through Me the words of God. As a Son of the Words, I am been gifted with certain endowments and if I must share it, I had to first go out amongst those that where in need, in need of the most after I had accumulated so much for Myself but it was with the intent to share, which I have done. Thank You for seeing it been done. It was that which I had in My heart all along to come to pass when I went amongst swines and caste My Pearls amongst them, I have reflect on My dreams to be honor and celebrated of the Poets and Preachers and Teachers that also have been healers. I have struggle with the way in preaching the Gospel and most of My ways have been conflicting but look at the Age We were in. Destructive but I have stabilized My Deamons. None have forsaken Me and never lost My commitment to God because the World is elegant and it has religious tones thats hard to resist. Especially when We get a taste of it, When We get in a High Position and then lose it. Because they are not use to nothing. Its hard to hold a full cup with a steady hand. Can You deal with it. The world is sparkle with things that lures Us and for the world to get hold of Us and it makes You believe that success is measure by Your accolades in the World. How big is Your money, not How affective, hows big is Your budget. But the ability to impact those Who are members. Whether You are a base or not, You are secured in Christ. Dont work out on Your Dreams. Dont walk out on Me because I was not prestige. You want the glitz but You dont want to believe in a Dreamer with a Vision and turn to others Who had more so I guess Im not there Yet. You can do things that You envision and those when those Who You thought wanted the best for You walk out on You then You know why I was walking around not wear fancy clothes, drive an expensive car and its My dream and hope for My Children that makes Me walk around looking for People as the last Disciples that I needed to make the dream a reality. I am not too Old. Nope. Not too Circular. Not too Humanist. Not too lost that I cant push Myself out of the Darkness. We cant leave People when O see someone down. My purpose and Im suppose to Pick My Brother up and take Him from where ever I am, lifes most difficult task is NOT HAVING A BURDEN TO CARRY. A CROSS TO BARE. THOSE WHO ARE COMMITTED TO GOD AND SOME HOW THOSE WHO HAVE NO BURDENS IN LIFE CANT SEEM TO MAKE IT. I APPRECIATE MY JOURNEY. Have You ever heard the song through it all, I have many tears and sorrows and through it all I have learn to trust in God and Jesus and I WILL Press on. Read the Word of God. Open The Bible. Open the Quran. Read the so You can see the word of God because You can see the invisible and You can see the word of God and know the unknown and know the word of Christ and see the impossible. I Am not a Lawyer, a Judge or have a College Degree but I have what I have seen and believe in the Impossible. You ask Me to Prove that God exist? I AM THE PROOF. I WAS A SINNER AND I CHANGE TO BE MOVED BY THE WORD OF GOD AND I AN SHOULDERING THE BURDEN AND BELIEVE WHEN I AM LEAST EXPECTED TO BE THE FALLEN. I have keep on walking with God that and in the midst of My sinfulness God lifted Me up and led Me to My Dream. Dont let the small and narrow minded lead You away from things that You can do. Dont walk Out on Your Dreams. Stay with the Word. Eternalize it. We Fall Down and We get up. For the Saviors are those That Fall and get up to help Others. My life Is an Epic so keep reading about what is Happening then the cycle goes around then Youll get to Our understanding one day. HORUS Whosbobbybangkok
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 00:51:36 +0000

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