The Certainty of Faith in Our Lives For those who say, I have - TopicsExpress


The Certainty of Faith in Our Lives For those who say, I have no faith, I would like to suggest, that you do. You dont ask yourself, when you get in your car and drive down the highway, will I arrive safely? you believe you will arrive wherever it is youre going, dont you? and you think this with certain confidence, dont you? Well, then you have a measure of faith, even if it is a minimal amount of faith. Whether that faith is in yourself, or in others we have faith. We trust the other drivers on the road, as well as the various manufacturers of the many cars, trucks and other vehicles you encounter along the way. Then there are the possible natural catastrophes, land slides, sink holes, earthquakes, bad weather. Then the possible drunk or high drivers, and those drivers with health issues which could cause a potential accident. Then there are the design flaws in vehicles, roads, bridges and the like. So again I would suggest that we all live with some measure of faith. The real question regarding faith should be what do we put our faith in? We all say, no one is perfect and we all realize that we all have faults, failures and imperfections yet we seem to trust those who design and build our roads, cars, bridges, and esteem their knowledge. Science has become the new God of our time and many put their faith to some degree in it. But is this a misplaced faith? Scientists are in the business of learning, trying to figure out how things work, what makes things do what they do. But even they must admit they know much less than they know. So should we put our faith in them? I think not. We believe in science even when we dont understand it ourselves, but because someone else claims that it is this way or that way. We just say, oh well they are the experts. And so, again we put our faith in their words. Yet with each new generation we hear the same; how could they have believed such a thing or how could they have held such a view? This would assume a lack of facts or knowledge which brings to an unclear conclusion. Even when a theory cannot be proven, over time with the presenting and repeating of said theory and the affirming of it as the truth, it somehow becomes fact, then truth, albeit a yet unproven truth. We have many such issues even today. It is like those who deny the existence of God and His written Word. Because they say it isnt so, or because they dont want to believe it, doesnt make it untrue or that God never said it. Another has said; Faith is simple. If it were not so, we would be kept in lifelong perplexity, trying to perform it or practice it, as if it were some great thing. Faith is sure. It does not conjecture, or speculate or think; it is sure as soon as it knows that what is heard is really true. Nothing can shake the certainty of faith, save what invalidates the foundation on which it rests. Faith rests on Divine Testimony. We do not reason out the matter, nor think it out; we believe because God has spoken. We hear the words of His mouth, and we say, Amen! I believe, whatever reason may say. Others say; I have no faith, especially in God or Jesus, because I dont believe in them. I would have to hear or see them to believe in them and putting my faith in them. “Yet Abraham did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.” Romans 4:20-21
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 13:37:15 +0000

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