The Chainfire effect Richards delirium When Richard was nearly - TopicsExpress


The Chainfire effect Richards delirium When Richard was nearly killed by a crossbow bolt, Nicci took a great risk in saving his life by using Subtractive magic to remove the bolt, as it had not gone completely through and pulling it out would have caused much more damage. She also removed the blood that had pooled in his lung by using Subtractive magic. These two actions are significant to later events. After Richard woke from unconsciousness in the aftermath of being shot, he asked Nicci and Cara where Kahlan was. Neither woman knew who or what he was talking about. Nicci thought that Richard had simply been dreaming. Over time she developed the belief that because of the trauma Richard had gone through from his injury, he invented a woman in whom he could find comfort. She maintained this belief even as Richard tried many times to prove Kahlan existed. Once Richard realized that there was a problem, he set out immediately to the site where he was injured and where he had last seen Kahlan accompanied by Nicci, Cara, the blacksmith Victor, and a group of townsfolk turned freedom fighters, including Victor’s apprentice Feren. There, he meticulously scoured the site for hours while the others wait. Eventually Richard asked Nicci, Cara and Victor to join him as he pointed out tracks and the lack of tracks made by himself, Cara, and Kahlan as they journeyed from the former empire of Bandakar. The others were curious as he showed them how to spot the tracks but stupefied when he pointed out what was not there. Richard even showed them an overturned rock as proof that someone else was in the area when Kahlan disappeared. In the end, the three felt that Richard was going insane. They returned to Altur’Rang and learned that an army is coming to take back the city for Jagang. The townsfolk were extremely disappointed when Richard told them he had to leave. With Nicci’s aid, he convinced them that he could not always be there to offer aid and at some point they needed to take responsibility for their choice to fight for freedom. Nicci grew increasingly distressed by Richard’s decline into delusion and was alarmed when Richard started focusing more and more effort into chasing a ‘phantom’ to the exclusion of all else. She was very troubled when he decided to leave AlturRang, where his presence many felt was paramount to the defense of the city, to seek out Shota the witch woman. Although she very much disagreed with him, she didn’t argue too much against it. Two events probably had much to do with this; Richard’s extraordinary healing of Cara and a conversation the two women had afterwards. In it, Cara told Nicci of the terrible loneliness she sensed in Richard during the healing but confessed her ‘feelings’ for General Meiffert and conveyed the belief that she was not the one to fill that loneliness. Cara felt that because of common attributes shared by Nicci and Richard that Nicci could fill that void.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:08:31 +0000

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