The Chakra music today is a beautiful piece, with a voice that - TopicsExpress


The Chakra music today is a beautiful piece, with a voice that brings both Purity and Peace together. It is also, appropriately for the Ray of Peace today, the Keynote to Archangel Uriel and Aurora, the Archangel and Archeia of Peace. Here there is a brief explanation of the Service of these Archangels, and their Legions of Angels of Ministration and Peace, both of which fall on the Sixth Ray of the Holy Spirit. Archangel Uriel wishes to have more individuals who have an understanding of the Service which His Bands of Angels perform. The Archangel Uriel serves on the Sixth Ray. His service is to minister to all of mankind, consisting of ten billion individuals, some of which are in embodiment. Of all the angels that people the inner atmosphere around the Earth, the largest legions are of Lord Michael and Archangel Uriel. Every individual has a Ministering Angel, who has the same task, the task of giving an individual assistance, as soon as he is in embodiment and his thinking and feeling worlds are active. While the individual is creating karma, it is the task of the Ministering Angel to hold as much Peace as possible for him or her. These ministering angels are natural conductors of both PEACE and HEALING but it is sometimes difficult to get mankind quiet enough, in their thoughts and feelings, to receive these gifts. These Ministering Angels also need CONCENTRATION. While the physical body of an individual is asleep, his etheric consciousness is still functioning, somewhere! If this consciousness is having discordant experiences in the psychic realm, it is creating destructive karma. The Ministering Angel is obligated, by Cosmic Law to accompany such a soul and, at every opportunity, this Angel projects a Light Ray into the consciousness of the one He is assisting, with the hope that perhaps it will help him or her to look higher and to desire more Light. It is not easy to work almost continuously with one individual for literally millions of years. It is a case of voluntary “imprisonment” through Love, which has little parallel. Ministering Angels are sometimes called “Guardian Angels.” On occasion, They give us a prompting to do or not do a certain thing. Hence there exists the need to remain in a state of listening grace. In this way, we are able to recognize these promptings. The music is Archangel Uriels Keynote, which is found in Brahms Lullaby. No doubt the music will help you feel the great Peace that is within This Glorious Archangels Aura. Singing it beautifully, in both Official Languages of Canada, is Celine Dion. She really does bring a Purity and Peace in her voice in this performance. Lyrics are the on the video, and below. With Love
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 01:36:38 +0000

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