The Challenge From The Anonymous Hazuki - TopicsExpress


The Challenge From The Anonymous Hazuki Azuma https://facebook/hazuki.azuma From the Presuppositional Apologetics is Wrong Group https://facebook/groups/176826508997634/ The following challenge was posted to the above closed group shortly before I cancelled my membership there after having successfully completed my ministry and documenting that the atheists/deists there are just as apt, maybe more so, as anybody else to be unable to properly demonstrate certain basic, critical thinking skills and engage in reasonable conversation regarding their problems with such fundamental matters as recognizing logically valid arguments. More about that later; maybe. The following challenge, I propose, starts out with a lie. The poster is not emulating me in the post/challenge, despite the posters lame attempt to do so. I will, however, provide an opportunity to allow the poster to emulate me and so deal with the matters reflected therein. The poster appears to have been adversely influenced by one Bart Verveen, https://facebook/bart.verveen , a wannabe philosopher who claims to have some expertise in all sorts of advanced logical skills, but demonstrated his best skill was blabbering and blundering on the simplest of stuff. (Begin Challenge Post) From: Hazuki Azuma Date: Thursday, July 17, 2014 Time: About 7:30 PM MT Challenge to Robert Baty I am emulating Robert on purpose. This is kind of how he talks. What a sperg. Anyway, I have below an argument that I deem him worthy to consider, although he is self-professedly a mere tyro. Lets give him our support as he makes a mighty effort (if hes not too scared, and therefore willing to surrender the victory ice cream to me). - If Robert Baty is a good man, - then Robert Baty has stopped beating his wife. - (P1, a conditional, A --> B) - Robert Baty has not stopped beating his wife - (P2, negation, ~B) - Therefore, Roberty Baty is not a good man - (Conclusion, negation of P1 via modus tollens: - A --> B, ~B, therefore ~A). The above argument has been constructed such that it is valid, i.e., if its premises are true the conclusion necessarily follows. Robert Baty: to affirm or deny He is also a bad man, because he has not stopped beating his wife. Robert Baty: to affirm or deny (End Challenge Post) How the poster might actually rehabilitate the lame effort above to try and challenge me and and actually come a little closer to emulating me, step one: In my exercises which the poster seeks to emulate, I affirmed the logical validity of the arguments I presented. The poster, therefore, needs to include, as part of the challenge, her affirmations or denials. Until the poster does that, I have not been emulated on that important, substantive point and need not further respond to the challenge. How the poster might actually rehabilitate the lame effort above to try and challenge me and and actually come a little closer to emulating me, step two: In order to properly emulate me, as to the recent discussions which the poster could not effectively and reasonably deal with, the issues involved form as well as content and the poster needs to modify her argument/statement to reflect the character of the content I used. Until the poster does that, I have not been emulated on that important, substantive point and need not further respond to the challenge. Copies To: https://facebook/BruggencatevBaty -------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 04:11:27 +0000

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