The Chance Of Change Cake. As the prospect of the local, European - TopicsExpress


The Chance Of Change Cake. As the prospect of the local, European and eventually national elections looms in Ireland, the time for REAL change has come. When it’s said once again “Change” we mean not just a change of political parties, not just a change of policies but a real change to the system and the way things are actually done and in accountability. Since soon after the foundation of the Irish state, the normal continuing game of non-funny musical chairs has been played in the Irish Dail with its seats between political parties – in particular three regular ones. After not one but two recessions that have come about amid this to and fro ‘game’ we have also observed that those that were (and some that possibly still are) up to no good in regards to self-interest and corruption, has left their unarguable stain on Irish history. They each in turn have helped besmirch an island that was once known as a land of Saints and Scholars. So for all the swapping of political parties in all those years, the underlying government system via our constitution which was illegally edited, soon became a twisted version of the one originally envisaged by the founders of our state. This led to and still continues to lead to times and specific areas where elected representatives have (out of self-interest) taken advantage of the current state system and frankly abused it to the point of continuous public frustration and anger. The Irish people, our country and its economy, present and future cannot afford much more of our outdated, corruptible system to continue. There has to be change – and not just of people in Dail seats. That’s no longer just the main factor to consider as future elections approach. It’s time we go further and deeper with our thinking and ultimately with our penmanship on a ballot paper. Ireland needs to re-invent democracy for a new age and a new round of generations to come. Honestly, the failure to do so will see a country that many love, fall once again into an already repeated cycle of boom to bust, boom to bust, again and again. Too many is suffering from this repeatedly - and its high time to change our historic record for the better. With all that in mind, a conclusion many have come to is that the very system(s) operating our underlying day to day government has to be addressed and updated. What has gone on before cannot and should not be longer tolerated. The speeches previously of change from ever preaching politicians cannot be just about laws governing the people but change must be about the laws governing the people that are actually governing the rest of people! We must introduce a better way. Full stop. We all know it. No political party has all the answers direct to hand – anyone that says they do or espouses that they say they might have, is frankly telling ‘porkies’ – but what Direct Democracy Ireland does have unlike others, is a good new (to many) starting point to begin again from. A positive changing point beyond just one elected person being replaced only for another. New change in relation to the ways things are being done must come from those that are standing up and putting themselves forward. While encompassing them, we must go beyond just different policies of economics, public by-laws and taxation for example – we must instigate ways of more accountability of our very government systems, its elected people and a further transparency to the people that has been lacking for many decades. These vital pillars of real peaceful revolution were never more crucial for the future of Ireland but for alteration to state systems that’s much needed, they must be instigated now, no longer put off. With that in mind, Direct Democracy Ireland wishes to re-introduce the Irish people Article 47 and its ability to give power genuinely and legally back to the people. What this means in real practical terms is that the power of referendum and thus choice, will be with the people of Ireland. To top this chance of change ‘cake’ off with cream, we have the follow up of re-introducing of Article 48 of the constitution where the selected and elected on their own and with their ideology and policies, are accountable to the people and then “Recalled” if they do not live up to words, actions and expectations. Recall of article 48 however just don’t end there however – it gives back to the people the ability to change the policies of disliked agenda of those that are in power. It can legally help the ordinary citizen to pause, re-examine, and stop any instigated litigation and/or action of those they too might wish to hold to account – and all this will be done by quite legal means. No more having to protest just out on the streets then – and oft times be ignored! Does that sound better than what has gone before in many lifetimes of Irish people? We think it does. We hope you agree. So Ireland system of governing has to change beyond the swapping of just faces. The underlying aspect of genuine alteration to the way elected representative do things and their willingness to be accountable to the people all the time – not just some of the time, has to be looked at again as one will eventually put their mark on a voting ballot paper. The question really is, do you just want to vote one person out just to have them replaced for another – or do you want to vote one person out and vote in another that brings fundamental deep down change and not just alternative policy window-dressing that looks and sounds good but has nothing substantial underneath it all? Do you want a person that for once will change the core of power in government, to have it returned to its citizens or do you want just another alternative just to be rid of the one previous? In one answer lies of the same which has gone on before and will likely happen again. In another possible answer lies the seed of future fruits that could make the “chance of change cake” be forever onwards available for all. The future of Ireland is in your hands with the mark of a future ballot paper. Choose wisely – choose Direct Democracy and those carrying that message – Direct Democracy Ireland. Jeff Rudd
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 01:44:25 +0000

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