The Changes that we have Potentially coming are not Solvable - TopicsExpress


The Changes that we have Potentially coming are not Solvable Alone. Thus the Reason people like myself continue to reach out to those who live in a world where Isolation is a fad or a way to escape those we do not innerstand or put away those who live so openly we consider them out of sanity. Yet never see them as exactly what nature intended. We have grown into a people that use many methods, including pain, to not see each other or deal with what is. The changes that are available to us can not rely on the ways of the past.. nor can they leap into a future we have yet come to. They may only stay in this present moment and look upon the burden of the current challenges with a deep compassion than none of us know where the others beliefs lay. The urgency to consider where we start has never been more present. The commitment to find out where we are and where we can go together from here is crucial. We have to come up with a Plan of Action that takes all in account. Acting in accord and with the integrity of a people once removed. Science and Religion (not judging, just stating) have done a very good job at separating us from the key element to our future. Nature. We have become so caught up in the center of this battle of impossible outcomes that we now seem to believe the only place to go is to one side or the other. Now we have done the best we could with what was offered to us through the institutions supporting the same. In this case we got the best out come we can have in this now. We can see that at the end of the day that which is suffering the most is our environment and those innocent enough to hold onto the last thread of their ways. Somehow by looking outside of that which sustained humanity since the time of hunting and gathering we have come to live in world that is blind to this very fact. We have lost touch with our current and future needs unless they are offered to us through a unnatural medium. We have come to believe more in what our TVs tell us than in what we can see when we view out into the seas, trees and rocks with our very own eyes and soul. The spirit of discovering has been given over to a system of logic and survival. When we come from a place where all life thrived. We come to hear the words of Old; The Heathen in his blindness bows down to wood and stone These words come from Centuries of arrogance and come from a time when the first Cotton mills blackened our skies with soot. As a british missionary stationed in Calcutta reckoned and wrote into a hymn. We have hindsight to share with us what a ruin we were and are making of the world. The blindness has become ours... Current anthropology tells us that no people, regardless of how simple, ever thought of stone or tree as divine. We have lost the sense of the world that they had and how to see through it like they did. IN the animist point of view the world was once transparent to the human eye, greater realities and visions were available to and within them. That world that was seen through previous peoples eyes has lost its transparency and has grown densely opaque, reduced. Robert Bly put its well: When we deny there is consciousness in Nature, we also deny consciousness to the worlds we find by by going through nature; and we end with only one world, the world of Mcdonalds and that is exploitable. The challenges we face are not being adequately addressed at the national or international levels and some of the risks we are facing are moving faster than the political process. The future could be much different than the past. We have to have a call to action that we can all work from and with. We have to share our neighbors, friends and associates what truth is and develop peaceful and harmonic plans that work in balance with Nature. The future is defined by what what WE do and it is up to us to step to.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 12:51:04 +0000

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