The Changing Man There was once a man who was hurt really bad and - TopicsExpress


The Changing Man There was once a man who was hurt really bad and lying on the street. He had been brutally beaten by two unknown men. The man called out to GOD and said, “Lord please, help me. “ So GOD heard his cry for help and was going to send two angels to help him when the Devil appeared and said, “Father wait! Allow me to prove how easy it is to corrupt and manipulate your beloved humans. Let me show you how unworthy they are of your love and grace. I will prove why they should not have been created.” So GOD allowed the Devil to prove his point. The Devil then told GOD, “ I will whisper in this mans ear only a few words that only you and I shall know about and then you shall see why.” So the Devil whisper in the man’s ear and GOD heard what he said. The man heard the words and then proceeded to call for help. GOD then sent two sets of men and woman. The first set of men came up and said, “Sir let us help you get to the hospital.” The man replied get away from me I hate you.” The two men left him there and walked away. The second set, were woman and they too offered to help. The man replied again in the same way. Set after set the man refused in the same manner. Coughing up blood and seeing he was in dyer need the man called out to GOD again. GOD told the Devil, “I will send only 1 man to this man again and I guarantee he will take the help this time. Do you agree to the terms?” The Devil thought about it and said, “Ok, just 1 more.” So GOD sent 1 more man and the man took the help of this man who just so happen to be a Doctor at a hospital. The man recovered and was doing just fine he thanked the doctor for saving his life. Years later they became the best of friends and their children end up marrying one another making them a family. But the Doctor asked him why did you refuse all that help, which was offered to you. Because I heard a voice say, “ That anyone who is like you, you should take help from. Well I have been a prejudice man for years because I was taught to hate. The men who attacked me were white just like me. So I figured that every white person that offered me help would attack me again. So when I saw a Black Man offer me help then I thought, I would have better chance of being safe because he wasn’t like me in appearance.” And what I realized over the years of me getting to know you. Is that it doesn’t matter what color you are but what’s in your heart. So if you change your heart and fill it with GOD’s Love then you will realize that is what makes us worthy of GOD’s love and grace.” by Áliák Állác (the light bearer)
Posted on: Fri, 19 Jul 2013 21:55:38 +0000

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