The Christian Bible can be said to be made up of three major - TopicsExpress


The Christian Bible can be said to be made up of three major narratives, aside from several authors talking about the same points, the Law, and genealogies. These three narratives are: The Fall, the Exodus, and the Passion. Science disproves all three. Unequivocally. First, the Fall, in which Adam and Eve are cast out of Paradise for the crime of curiosity is untrue for the simple fact that 2 people cannot populate to 7 billion in 6,000 years, or at all, due to replicative errors that would accumulate as too-closely-related sons and daughters attempted to mate with each other and their parents (ew). There was a mitochondrial Eve, of course. A female Homo erectus that existed some 100,000 years ago (making her 94,000 years more ancient than the Earth itself, according to Creationists. LOL) who was the MRCA (most recent common ancestor) of all living humans. Second, the Exodus, in which Moses supposedly led the Jews out of bondage in Egypt, in order to be guided to the Promised Land by God and given the Ten Commandments - didnt happen. There are no haplotype genetic markers in remains or current contemporaneous populations to conclude that Jews EVER were present in the Sinai peninsula, as slaves or otherwise. And there is no archaeological evidence to that effect, either. And, of course, the historicity of Jesus Christ has been broken wide open by Richard Carrier and Michael Paulkovich, who have shown conclusively that there are no contemporaneous mentions of Jesus ever having lived at all. At best he is an assemblage of earlier martyr/hero figures in myth. These are the three legs as it were, that Christianity rests upon and all of them have been destroyed by Science. Be sure to reference these facts when you inevitably find yourself at lager heads with a Christian.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 23:20:42 +0000

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