The #Christian life is to be defined by #God and His purposes. - TopicsExpress


The #Christian life is to be defined by #God and His purposes. LEM Daily #Devotion Series: #Philippians Philippians 1:22a “If I am to live in the flesh, that means fruitful labor for me.” In order to truly understand what Paul is referring to in this verse, we have to look more closely at what he means by living “in the flesh” and why that “means fruitful labor” to him. In the previous verse, Paul had said that to him, “to live is Christ.” In other words, if God’s will was for him to continue living here on this earth, then his life would be all about Jesus; his life would be utterly defined by his Savior. The Apostle Paul had a crystal clear picture of what the Christian life is to look like, and his view of it should serve as a guidepost for the rest of us. Jesus said that others “will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:35), and that “every healthy tree bears good fruit.” (Matthew 7:17) Christians are to be defined by how our lives manifest Whose we are, and that manifestation is projected in the necessary results in these lives. Paul knew that if God ordained that he continue living on this earth that it wasn’t to persecute him or punish him or leave him. If God orchestrated events so that Paul remained on earth a little longer, it was because He had work for Paul to do in His Kingdom. Paul would never have seen death as an escape or life as about his comfort. He accepted that God’s perfect plan was indeed perfect, and that he would bear fruit to the glory of God for however long God desired. In this, God’s ultimate and merciful sovereignty, Paul rested, and so should we. Study/Meditation: How does Paul’s attitude about life and death portray absolute peace in the sovereignty of God? How does this instruct you about your attitude today? *Father, thank You for keeping me in Your sovereign hand. You are merciful and kind and just. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 28 May 2014 15:07:25 +0000

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