?The Christian life, the fruit of the Spirit, is a constant - TopicsExpress


?The Christian life, the fruit of the Spirit, is a constant reckoning of the flesh as dead and a constant relying on the present Spirit of Christ to produce love, joy, and peace within.? –John Piper Love The first and most important fruit of the Spirit is love. Love is the virtue of brotherly and sacrificial love. It is a love that seeks the good of others. Paul‘s order of placement, as well as his other use of the word tells us that it is the greatest of the fruits (1 Cor.13; Eph.5:2; Col.3:14). Other New Testament writers such as John and Peter emphasize love as one of the greatest features of the kingdom of God. Love is a spiritual anchor of truth in relationship with God and neighbor. This love is a distinctly Christian love, which finds its source from God alone. Because of this kind of love God sent His only Son to die for us. The Holy Spirit is hard at work to reproduce this kind of love in each one of us. We are to show this kind of selfless love to one another and to the world. Joy The second fruit of the Spirit is joy. The word joy appears 60 times in the New Testament. Joy corresponds to happiness, but it is independent of outward circumstances and is to be found within every believer‘s life. Joy is a deep gladness that comes from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As Christians, everything that we do should be done with joy in our hearts. The Bible tells us that we are to serve the Lord with joy and gladness. God desires for His children to know the joy of the Lord. The Bible says that the joy of the Lord is our strength. Let the Holy Spirit fill you with joy today as you serve Him. Peace Peace is the third fruit of the Spirit. Peace refers to a tranquility of mind, body, and soul. It is a spiritual well being that only God can give a person. Nations might be able to produce a world of peace, but God is the only one who can offer total peace. Jesus said, "The peace I give is not as the peace that the world may give".God‘s peace will never pass away. In fact Paul calls it the peace which surpasses all understanding. This doesn‘t mean that you will never have another problem, but that God will give you peace in the midst of the storm. Let the peace of God fill your heart and soul through the power of the Spirit. Long Suffering Long suffering is the fourth fruit of the Spirit. The Greek word is commonly translated "patience" but the King James Version renders a more accurate translation of the word =long-suffering.‘ The verb means to place or arrange under for a long time. Christians should be able to hold strong in the midst of trials and difficulty. We need to be steadfast and endure. This means the quality of putting up with others, waiting through the difficult times, even when we are severely tried, confused, or weak. It is like being a spiritual rubber band. When we are being stretched we will not break if we have long suffering. The Holy Spirit will supernaturally give you patience to hold on under difficult situations and circumstances. Kindness The fifth fruit of the Spirit is sympathetic kindness. It is God‘s virtuous gift to be able to respond to the special needs of others who are hurting or in need. It is a quality of God‘s kindness that is found in the New Testament only in Paul‘s correspondence. Those who have experienced the kindness of God‘s salvation in Christ are to cloth themselves with the same kindness. In a world full of anger, selfishness, and contention, the Lord wants us to cultivate the fruit of kindness in our lives. Let the Lord use you to show kindness to others. Goodness The sixth fruit of the Spirit is goodness. Goodness is the generosity that overflows from kindness. Although goodness and kindness are similar, goodness is a more active term, which is often directed toward others in a benevolent way. It is the action of helping others in need. We are to take action and become agents of God‘s goodness in the world. When we see a need we must meet it. When we see a hurt we must heal it. The virtue of goodness reminds us that we become the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit desires to use us as vehicles through which the goodness of God may flow. Faithfulness This is one of the most common words in the New Testament. It is used in a variety of ways to mean faith, but considering the ethical context of Galatians the word is accurately translated faithfulness. It refers to being a person that others can rely upon. You cannot have faith in God without being faithful. The two are one in the same. The Spirit of the Lord wants to make us responsible persons in every area of our lives. Can God trust you to be faithful? Gentleness The eighth fruit of the Spirit is gentleness. It literally means to be mild or tame. The word is often used to refer to an animal, such as a bridled horse. In the personal sense it refers more to controlled strength than it does weakness. It is closely associated to humility. It is the virtue that is needed when confronted by opposition. Peter tells us that gentleness is necessary to have a genuine witness (1 Peter 3:15-16). Without gentleness we cannot be a true Christian witness. Self Control The final ethical virtue of the Spirit is self-control or temperance. It is victory of the desires of the flesh. It is the virtue of a person who masters their passions and desires. It is opposite to the desires of the flesh. It means victory over the flesh. Self control is closely associated to purity of mind, heart, and conduct. It is the ability to crucify the flesh and walk in the Spirit. It is relying on the power of the Spirit to overcome the desires of the flesh. We need more self-control in our daily lives. Questions for Reflection 1. In what ways do the fruit of the Spirit differ from the works of the flesh? 2. What is the first and most important fruit of the Spirit? Why? 3. What particular fruit would you ask the Spirit to cultivate more in your daily life? 4. Are there any fruits of the Spirit that you can see more than others in your life? 5. Explain the subtle difference between goodness and kindness. Concluding Prayer Lord I pray that you would cultivate the fruit of the Spirit in my life. I want to be an instrument of your glory and your grace. Let others see your fruit in me. I know that I am not perfect, but help me receive the grace to become more like you. Cut back any area of my life that is not pleasing in your sight. Holy Spirit I ask for you to help me bear your fruit today. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 15:48:48 +0000

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