The Christmas That Confirmed All Of My Suspicions While growing - TopicsExpress


The Christmas That Confirmed All Of My Suspicions While growing up, I had long suspected that I was an alien in my own house; and Holiday Season, circa 1997 confirmed that notion. I was sitting in computer class in high school; having just learned how to type on finally-no-green-letters-on-black-screen computers; I haplessly roamed the internet. It was October, 1997 and my mind had already turned to Christmas. I had a strange but powerful dislike for receiving gifts. “I don’t need this,” was always my thought; I guess I wasn’t greedy enough to be normal. While perusing the internet to waste more precious moments of my young life, I stumbled upon a site dedicated to certifying whether or not certain online charities were legitimate and a good use of the money that it received. I read through the entire site during that period, and I had an idea: “I will ask all of my family members to give whatever money they would spend on my gift, to one of these charities!” I was so excited! I immediately chose 8 different charities and printed them out, went home and began to fold them, along with letters addressed to gift-giving family members, and put them in envelopes to send off! Little did I know what would come next. I told my parents my great idea and got a long, drawn-out “Why????” Good Lord, I don’t know why...”Actually I do,” I spoke up. “Because these people really need things, and I really don’t.” “That is so weird,” was the very well-thought-out, and understanding response I received. Undeterred, I mailed the letters and made follow up phone calls to said relatives to reiterate my wishes. Deaf ears, all of them. Christmas came and Christmas went and I accumulated more crap that I never needed; along with some small contributions to the charities I had provided. That was the day, I believe, when I stopped caring about money as anything accept as an outlet by which to give to those less fortunate; and that’s still my feeling to this day. That Christmas remains my most memorable Christmas. It broke my mind free and set me on a path all my own; being more sure than ever that the world was insane...not me.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 16:35:05 +0000

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