The Chronicles of Rusty – Day 12 Well, morning again and I have - TopicsExpress


The Chronicles of Rusty – Day 12 Well, morning again and I have been a good boy (ish) I have slept all night, but I have a secret which is bound to come to light. (PMWL) it is just like PMSL but without the laughing bit. SHE’S GONNA KILL ME! Granda got up first and I was dying for a wee by then (it was quite early but I was still dying!) Granda opened the door, but Alfie stood in the way and I couldn’t get past, (I think he did it deliberately cos he knows I have a weak bladder), so I ran to the kitchen and was just starting a pee against the door when granda shouted at me. Grandma came downstairs and spoke harshly to me and told me to come to the kitchen – I thought ‘no way hosay’ - not going there!! Anyway she came for me and I ran into the garden. She pointed her evil finger at the ground and told me to ‘STAY’ and I did. She picked me up and took me to the door where the wee was. I nearly died with embarrassment. She told me off, tapped me on the bum – it didn’t hurt but it was the indignity of it. I then lay in my bed and kept my head down. I thought to myself – the worst is yet to come! I KNEW IT. Granda snitched on me again! He was sat watching the television (in the morning !) and as his eyes dropped (he is always CAT napping) they fell on the big vase of flowers stood on the hearth (they were the ones grandma got from mam and dad) and he noticed a big yellow puddle all around the bottom of the vase, on the hearth. He told grandma, and we went through the whole rigmarole again. Grandma shouted at me, took me to see the pee (I have seen it grandma – I did it!) she smacked me and threw me outside. She would not listen to my excuses; she just kept calling me a naughty boy. OMG I feel so bad. My excuses are good ones though, and I am sure she will listen at voddy time tonight. I will tell her that the first time it was Alfie’s fault cos he would not let me out, and the second time was because I thought it was a peeing plant. Well I pee on bushes don’t I, there were flowers in the vase and I pee on flowers outside don’t I. The fact that it was a bit of glass holding the flowers rather than a plant pot should make no difference, it is still a peeing opportunity - Hope grandma sees my point of view. Once the pee was cleaned up, disinfected, the vase washed and the hearth polished, I heard grandma talking to granda: ‘it’s a good job we have wooden floors and tiles downstairs’ she said smugly, granda replied with ‘it is’. Then grandma said ‘it’s a good job we have the doggie gate (old box) so Rusty can’t get upstairs and pee and poo all over’’ granda replied ‘it is’ – granda is man of few words, except when he is grassing me up. He has plenty to say then. Grandma is so unfair, what makes her think I would pee and poo upstairs. Grandma soon forgot her anger and we went on our walk as usual. Nothing much happened except for having a great walk. The sun was shining and it was lovely. Alfie and I did the usual peeing on anything available. We walked through the jungle – grandma kept to a steady pace without ‘trotting’, and we finally came to the lake. There was not a duck in sight today so I did not even get my paws wet. We came across two Dalmatians – on a lead. I did not like them and went for them, snarling and growling. They didn’t even respond – it’s a good job grandma kept me on a short lead, or else who knows what state they would be in after I finished with them. The owner gave grandma a dirty look, and grandma said ‘Rusty man, you are a naughty boy’. Tough! We were on our way home when the sun suddenly went in, and the rain came out. It poured on us. We got drenched. Grandma was as surprised as us because she didn’t have her special coat on. I wasn’t very happy at all, but I did not show it. I am on my best behaviour (except for the Dalmatians) following my ‘accidents’ earlier. Grandma seems to have forgotten all about that now anyway. We got back home and laid around a bit to regain our strength. I found out how to get on the top of the sofa and face the right way, so that was great. I had a good sleep up there. I don’t think Alfie was very pleased as that is his special place, but he let me stay there. Later I had a game with grandma in the garden. I just raced around her, running faster and faster, and she would pretend to try to catch me – I would run down one set of steps and up the other, it was great. Of course Alfie had to join in when he saw us, and at the finish both grandma and Alfie were chasing me. It was great. THIS IS THE LIFE! Later on grandma opened the doors and windows as she said ‘this room stinks of dogs’ and she hurt my feelings a bit when she said she was going to put my bed and blanket out in the garden tomorrow to air off. She also said something about an air freshener – WHAT A CHEEK! I bet she doesn’t do that with Alfie, and I have noticed a bit of a pong coming from him! Voddy time came and went and it was bed time once again. Not a very eventful day really, just good fun. Another three miles under my belt, and an even more svelte figure to show mam and dad when they return. They will hardly recognise me I am sure. Well off to bed now to dream about what I am going to do tomorrow.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 10:57:46 +0000

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