The Church - part 12 of 12 Steve Nordyke. Opportunity In - TopicsExpress


The Church - part 12 of 12 Steve Nordyke. Opportunity In Scripture, there are several illustrations that are used to create a mental picture of the church. Paul in 1Cor. 3:9 says, “we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building.” In this article I want to suggest an analogy of my own. I want to liken the church to an ocean. With this illustration I want to encourage the people of God to “jump in” to the great opportunity that God has shown us! First, like the ocean, the church is a place of adventure and discovery. While a person can just enjoy looking at or floating upon the ocean, her true value is discovered only when someone dives in and goes deep. The church is not at her best when people simply show up to enjoy her beauty. It is most valuable when we dig in! Second, the ocean doesn’t feed us. Our food is taken from the ocean. There are seasons when we in the church feed others. Usually when someone is fed, they are either a baby or they are unable to feed themselves. If the church has become a place where you are “fed” and not a place where you “fish” for your food, you need to examine your condition. Begin to equip yourself. “Study to show yourself approved” means get a rod and reel or a net and go and get yourself some food! Finally, while the ocean is a place of serenity and beauty, the most fun is had with others. The same is true with the church. Jump in! Splash around, go diving, and explore the depths of the Kingdom of God with others! It can be fun, challenging, exciting and rewarding! Jesus established the church to do what He would do. In Mt. 10:8 Jesus tells His disciples “preach saying ‘the Kingdom of heaven is at hand’. Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” Jump in and be a part of His great plan!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 18:51:30 +0000

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