The Church in the Coming Days The Church of the Coming - TopicsExpress


The Church in the Coming Days The Church of the Coming Days Since 3AM, Ive had a heavy burden to write what youre about to read. I finally realized Id better get up from my nice warm bed and start typing, lest I forget what was being downloaded. This was how I woke up today, instead of with the alarm clock. May it be the wake-up call for multitudes who follow Jesus. Let those who have ears hear what the Spirit is saying. Regardless of your church affiliation - Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Non-denominational - in my estimation, theres only one expression of what we call Christianity that will make sense in the years ahead. Its commonly referred to as House Church or Simple Church. Heres why. -Americans will be driven away from rural towns as the land is returned to nature and people are concentrated in cities, all in accordance with the purpose of Agenda 21. (Watch this 10 min video: Its already impacting the world we live in, unbeknownst to the majority of people. -Fukushima radiation will push people off the Hawaiian islands and move people off the West coast states. That thing is much worse than were hearing, and were rarely hearing the truth. -China recently published a map in their State newspaper showing all the nuclear strike points where they could destroy America with their awesome nuclear capabilities. Make no mistake, the ChiComms have America in their cross hairs. (Read more here: -Natural and manmade disasters will cause a mass exodus of Americans to, well... anywhere but where they used to be before the disaster. Just look at the East Coast after Hurricane Sandy; people leave and move inland after every hurricane. Recently, in Austin, Texas, several churches were damaged as rivers and creeks overflowed their banks, one reporting water up to the ceiling. Houses floated off their foundations. One family returned home to find their house, now sitting in the middle of the street in the neighborhood, infested with hundreds of rats. As a Chaplain with the Austin Disaster Relief Network, The Body of Christ so many were counting on for assistance after we were deployed to the Moore, Oklahoma tornado was, in some instances, struggling with its own reconstruction efforts. Bayou Corne, Louisiana, the New Madrid fault line, sinkholes, Yellowstone... Superstorms and Megaquakes, are all being prophesied and predicted for the nations future. -Islam, with its expressed goal of world domination, is spreading across our nation. I have a friend who has established over 1,000 House Churches in Pakistan amidst persecution. His people recently made international news as Muslim extremists attacked them, burning churches, homes and Bibles, killing, maiming, raping his congregations, leaving many orphaned and widowed. Islam is growing in the USA, and our numbers sitting in pews and graduating seminaries are shrinking. Fact is, the only demographic group thats actually growing here are Hispanic Catholics. -Experts are talking about financial collapse as the Almighty Dollar is about to become devalued as it loses its status as the worlds reserve currency and the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South America with Iran soon to join their ranks) are bent on creating their own asset-backed version of the International Monetary Fund. Overall, most American Christians are content to attend church meetings, if even that, longing to be fed within the friendly confines of their edifices, oftentimes feeling intimidated about expressing their faith outside the doors of their church buildings. We hop from meetings to conferences, witnessing to each other, enjoying the sing-alongs, addicted to the anointed Word but forgetting anything but the goosebumps within 24-hours of exposure. And the world remains neglected, wallowing in darkness and despair. Jesus said, I came that you would have LIFE (NOT meetings) more abundantly. Weve created holy ghettos into which the so-called lost will rarely, if ever… FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS ARTICLE, write miketummillo@me
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 18:06:00 +0000

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